
                                      20-08-2024                                        „The Think-/Be-Pyramid -

        From Re-Action to Transcendency“




or            COGITO ERGO SUM ...


After 10 years of focussing on inventing, I have a lot of experience with 1. thinking-level approaches AND 2. obstacle-steps structures in innovation (the latter is one of the topics of the lecture).


In the HAVING-WANTING (‘Materialistic being’ - ‘I have, therefore I am’, ‘industrialised countries’) there is Maslow's NEED PYRAMID


For THINKING-WANTING (‘Ideally Being’ - ‘I think, therefore I am’, René Descartes), I have now developed the THINKING PYRAMID:






Thinking-Step(s), can optimise a lot - e.g. in company/meetings - and strongly(!) inspire your own happy BEING.


1st RE-ACTIVE - DRIVEN level

(Re-)acting on a ‘gut feeling’ basis is often the right thing to do. Especially when the ‘gut’ is filled with experience and knowledge. Yes, irrational has nothing directly to do with thinking. Nevertheless, around 80% of all decisions are made ‘from the gut’. And unfortunately: ‘Rational’ has too little to do with primal feelings. The truth lies in between!



‘The more I know, the more I know that I know nothing’ and “I learn nothing that I could read up on” Albert Einstein once said. Simply absorbing knowledge without thinking further is of little use.

Knowledge is the basis for inventions. And expertise in 2-3 disciplines is a good basis for lateral thinking inventions.



Wisdom through general knowledge and the ability to relativise can be learned. This can be used to optimise views, settle disputes - and move mountains - a top BE-position. BEING is more fulfilling than HAVING. HAVING decays - KNOWLEDGE/ BEING grows ... and so does relativisation!



Inventing something new is a fine art. Without ‘standing’ (BEING), an invention has less chance of success. BEING is more important than HAVING.



For paradigm shifts, the current status quo must not be studied too deeply. According to Einstein, a problem cannot be solved with the same tools that caused it. You have to look for i.a. central(!) ‘inconsistencies’ - and THINK NEW. This can only be done with THINKER-BEING - HAVE-BEING is counter-productive here.



Philosophy has major hurdles. This is why HAVING dominates in industrialised countries - and MASLOW - although 90% of all philosophers promote BEING! However, there was no ‘economic model’ for this. Was. Now there is one: GlobalOnomy - my vision.

Visions strengthen BEING - and trivialise HAVING.



A reorientation thanks to philosophy is transcendence, a quantum leap.

With Maslow, this quantum leap takes place when switching to GIVING - instead of WANTING TO RECEIVE - usually only shortly before death ....

A quantum leap in the ‘pyramid of thought’ is possible at an early stage. However, such a leap usually takes generations. Erich Fromm's BEING instead of HAVING still needs time - GlobalOnomy probably too ? ...


Further information via CONSULTING or KEYNOTE-SPEACH: ‘The Think-Pyramid - From Reacting to Transcendence'.





PR-Info, March 8th, 2024                                                 . From the Big Bang to the Perpetual Motion Machine . 

From the big bang to the perpetual motion machine *


This lecture is an astronomical breakthrough of the century. Not since Albert Einstein has there been a breakthrough to a new model of the universe. There has not been. Now there is one!


The lecture begins with a (previously distributed) red thread overview of the upcoming thought models/stages - and with the anecdote about the Christopher Columbus egg. Columbus "only" came back from America with a breakthrough - the proof: the earth is round - which he manifested with his symbolic "egg" vertical placement as his(!) realisation - to his rivals: "You could have done it too. I did it!". As a multidimensional thinker, Albert Bright places 12 "Columbus eggs" from his universe "excursion" in this 30-minute lecture alone.


It is a fascinating lecture that gives a first impression of how diverse, multi-dimensional and fulfilling "thinking" as such can be. 


Everything becomes even more fascinating when the speaker known as the "quantum leap paradigm changer", Albert Bright, demonstrates in his lecture how effective, creative, productive and fruitful this different way of thinking can be. And how retarding and destructive thought blocks and thought blockers are. 


The marathon of thoughts and mental hurdles to inventing the formulas of TIME and SPACE are as captivating as a thriller.


The subsequent "switching" from 3-D space-time speed to its energetic 4-D counterparts is ingeniously surprising. 


And the formulation of hypotheses and the subsequent presentation of evidence is astonishingly plausible, breaking through any notion of the current status quo. 


In his argumentation, Bright deciphers almost all of the current "black" and "dark" conceptual embarrassments in the otherwise factually, mathematically and physically focussed discipline of astronomy. He decodes the 95% of "mysterious", "dark" and "black" forces that Albert Einstein left behind (Einstein "only" found 5% of the universe's forces).


You could finally freak out if after the mathematically comprehensible "automatic" expansion of the conceived universe construct - suddenly a mathematically comprehensible "automatic" implosion occurs. 


And you have to jump for joy when you see that this implosion automatically leads to a new explosion, a new big bang. 


Exhausted, hands in front of eyes because of the dazzling "enlightenment", mouth open in amazement, almost dizzy in the seat, a little dazed, the realisation is then presented that the universe is a "perpetuum mobile", which is completed with a final formula on the screen.


A fascinating lecture that can hardly be surpassed in terms of ingenuity - and what sounds complex is comprehensible in the lecture:

The formulae for 1) time, 2) space and the 3) 4-dimensionalisation of the four 3-D original components - including the 4) thesis of the 4th dynamic energy; the traceability/evidence of the 5) change of forces in space since the Big Bang, as well as the decoding of 6.) dark matter, 7.) dark energy, 8.) black holes, 9.) black VOIDs; with subsequent 10.) implosion of the expansion, as well as the 11.) explosion through the implosion ... up to the 12th) perpetuum mobile formula ... add up to 12 individual steps to a new universe model. 


All 12 findings are each labelled with a Columbus egg. Yes, others could have come up with it. "They "could have", I did", as Christopher Columbus said to his opponents in 1493 after his voyage of discovery.


In the 60-minute version, the "annoying" gravity is also replaced by the aforementioned "dynamic energy" - and Einstein's "curved space" is also straightened out with the same - with many plausible examples. 


In the 90-minute lecture, instruments (e.g. telescope and pump - with organiser logos ...) will also be distributed/given as gifts for testing and internalisation in order to ensure that all recommendations from the lecture are remembered and taken to heart.

This lecture is only one of the building blocks for a better world - or rather saving the world(!) - but a very central one.


The vision is a world based on the extremely successful constellations and formulae of the universe: 

The universe has existed for 13.8 billion years, it is 90 billion light years in size, it is still "growing", it is "growing" faster and faster, it is "growing" with %-tually fewer major "crashes" (compared to human crises) - and it is sustainable, because the total energy remains constant and (re)usable / recyclable.  In contrast, humans irreversibly destroy a lot of material, energy and humanity even in "normal" times - but especially in each of the many crises** 


*Presentation at Didacta 2024, stage
** How astronomy knowledge can be transferred to economic challenges is the subject of another lecture.






PR-Info, February 8th, 2024                                          . The constant among the variables:                              . The perpetuum-mobile                                                   .   







The Didacta highlight:

From the big bang phenomenon

to the perpetual motion machine.


The variable among the constants: The perpetuum mobile:


Having reported on the expansion stages in the past 2 posts, we now want to devote ourselves very roughly (more details in the lecture) to the aspects at the "end" of the expansion of the visible universe.

Our "realisation bang"
When the "top-end level" of the expansion implodes, the previous multiplier is eliminated (as it has zero value). SPACE and TIME are destroyed. What remains is an alternative energy (more details in the lecture), which is increasingly compressed. The multiplicative effect of the becomes the divisor effect in the compression to the material energy. As the concentration of energies in the centre of the galaxy increases, the denominator in the fraction becomes larger and larger until the energy in the numerator tends towards zero. This results in a liberation, a (renewed) big bang, whereby part of the explosion energy "sticks" to a resistance again - and becomes matter. The rest becomes SPACE, TIME and dynamic energy). The perpetuum mobile restarts.

13.8 billion years after the Big Bang - and 100 years after Albert Einstein's findings - we have initiated a new cognitive bang. Einstein uncovered 5% of the universe's energies. We are now uncovering the remaining 95% - with "our" 4 basic components (matter, space, time and dynamic relativity) of the universe after the big bang. With the depiction of the perpetuum mobile, we now have a completely new overall model.

Dynamic relativity
If we multiply Einstein's "Simple Relativity" by our "Dynamic Energy Multiplier", we obtain our formula for "Dynamic Relativity", which can be used to explain not only Einstein's 5%, but also the previously unknown remaining 95% of the universe's energies from the visible universe. We decipher "dark matter" and "black holes" on the one hand and "dark energy" and "black VOIDs" on the other.

Perpetuum mobile
And through further extrapolation of the variables within Dynamic Relativity, which (extrapolation) even results "automatically", a "mathematical nothingness" arises at both extremes (of the black structures) with regard to the aspects of our "visible" universe area. The visible universe implodes. However, "alternative" (more details in the lecture) energetic forces remain "invisible", as the total energy always remains constant. On one "side" the energy from dark energy and black VOIDs - and on the other side the energy from dark matter and black holes. Both sides implode and compress their residual contents.

And if you want to know what happens then in terms of formulae and in real terms, then you have to come to the DIDACTA exhibition. See below for more details ? . Or you can book me as a speaker and/or consultant via the platform Bright


Come to the Cologne Didacta trade fair at the Speakers Excellence trade fair stand for my presentation "From Big Bang to Perpetuum Mobile" on 23 February 2024, from 11:10 to 11:40 and be inspired ?




Resistance to Albert Einstein's findings was formed by many renowned astronomers, who even founded an association, the AoS, in the USA - with a German offshoot and a group of "100 astronomers against the theories of Albert Einstein" (book). Einstein's comment was "If they were right, one would have been enough." It was Albert Einstein, not the association, who won the Nobel Prize in 1922.

So far, we have been able to refute all the ifs and buts about our approaches. Our approaches "shed light on the darkness". With our approaches, we decipher many unknowns - and the rest of the astronomy community does not. And our new formula can not only clarify individual aspects. The formula can explain many of the unknown aspects. And it forms a coherent new model of the universe. Mathematically and model-like comprehensible. The perpetuum mobile ?.

               PR-, Fair- and Keynote-Speech-Note                                                Jan.12th, 2024                                                                                  

Keynote speech: From the Big-Bang to the Perpetual-Motion.


Part 2: "Obscure" mysteries: Dark Matter and Black Holes - versus - Dark Energy and Black Voids



Lecture: From the Big Bang to the Perpetuum Mobile


Part 2:


"Obscure" Mysteries:

"Dark" matter and "black" holes - versus - "Dark" energy and "black" voids

Following on from the basic elements article (for part 1, see / PR-German), today we are focussing on some "obscure mysteries" that have emerged from the basic elements over the course of time ...

VOIDs...................... ..... Holes

The "dark" sounds mystical. And "black" sounds dangerous/deadly. When such terms become established in mathematical/physical/factual astronomy, it sounds desperate. We have also cracked these nuts.


Albert Einstein revealed 5% of the universe's energy with the "simple theory of relativity" E=m*c²
We uncover 95% of the previously unknown energies by extrapolating our "dynamic energy" into different dimensions/orientations - and in doing so we also relativise Albert Einstein's "simple relativity", because its overall result (5%) only has limited validity.


Currently ...

23% of the unknown energy of the universe is hidden behind "dark matter" - and ...
72% of the unknown energy of the universe is hidden behind "dark energy".


a. "Dark matter"
"Dark matter" is the name given to a force that acts like gravity. However, there is not enough matter in the respective galaxy for such a strong gravitational force. However, this hidden gravity is able to "hold" the "too" fast travelling stars of the outer galaxy regions in their orbit around the galaxy.


b. "Black holes"
"Black holes" are a phenomenon in which many stars disappear, whereby the energy of the respective matter is "squeezed out" and hurled into the universe. These holes are usually at the centre of galaxies. One might think that if so many stars are swallowed up there, the gravitational force we are looking for could result from this ... but the matter is destroyed before it is swallowed up ...

= According to our findings, "black holes" are the extrapolated and selectively concentrated force of those forces that also act in "dark matter". We show our solution in our lecture, see below.


c. "Dark energy"
"Dark energy" is the name given to the force that causes the universe to grow faster than "should" be possible according to current knowledge.


d. "Black voids"
"Black voids" are black "spots" with enormous dimensions in which no stars or planets can be seen.

= According to our findings, "black voids" are the extrapolated and selectively concentrated force of those forces that are also at work in "dark energy". We show our solution to this in our lecture, see below.


e.The correlation "dark matter" versus "dark energy"
As with space and time, so it is with dark matter and dark energy. Where one predominates, the other is weak. In the vicinity of large collections of material, such as galaxies, "dark matter" is predominant. Between and far away from galaxies, "dark energy" predominates.
The correlations in the FORMULA area, in the OPTICS area and in the TIME sequence are also part of our lecture, see below.


f.I almost forgot ... Our world lies somewhere between the above extremes

With our inventions we bring LIGHT into the DARK energy and matter. And with our WISDOM(S)HEIT we also remove the BLACK from the mystical holes and voids. The embarrassing words for astrophysics no longer need to be used.


The universe is focussing on the energetic. Material things are becoming less and less important. We show the formulaic solutions to this in our lecture, see below.


Humanity should learn from this. Away from "having", consumerism, towards "being", learning, knowledge, wisdom, transcendence (in a non-religious sense), empathy, social commitment, and/or art, music, text, ... - and the real(!) enjoyment of life that results from all of this: "being". According to 99% of all philosophers, "being" is the true happiness-maker. Think about it!!!


The Didacta-Fair in Cologne/Germany is the perfect place to expand this enjoyment of life.


= Come to the Cologne Didacta trade fair at the Speakers Excellence stand for the SHORT SUMMARY of my presentation "From Big Bang to Perpetuum Mobile" on 23 February 2024, from 11:10h to 11:40h and let yourself be inspired.


= Or book me as KEYNOTE-SPEAKER - for the LONG version of my lecture "From the Big Bang to the Perpetuum Mobile" via the platform: / Albert Bright


Further information at:



Short description

The keynote speech lecture "From Big Bang to Perpetuum Mobile" has three focus areas: Part 1: Ground Elements (Energy, Matter, Space, Time); Part 2: Obscure Mysteries (Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Black Voids, Black Holes) and Part 3: Perpetuum Mobile (Formula and Model). In this article, the 2nd part is highlighted. The first part can be found at / PR-German. The third part is still available as PR-Info. A short version of the presentation can be viewed at Didakta in Cologne. The full version can be booked as a keynote speech: on the platform: / Albert Bright


Company description

To optimise our world, autonomy - Project: World-Wide-Wealth - is developing new theories, methods, illustration patterns/images, books, seminars and lectures/keynote speeches.
The laws of universe astronomy were recognised as the most ideal basis for achieving world optimisation. Many correlations were quickly discovered or reinvented with the expertise of different thinkers and inventors. The latter include the time formula; space formula; space/time correlation; dynamic energy and relativity; deciphering "dark matter" (23% of the hitherto unknown forces of the universe); deciphering "dark energy" (72% of the hitherto unknown forces of the universe), the perpetuum mobile ... etc. - and also the new orientations in economy & currency, society & peace, wisdom & prosperity, ecology & sustainability.
The findings to date are summarised in 3 books: 1) AstronZeitOnomie, ISBN (paper) 978-3-7439-0186-5; 2) AstronRaumOnomie ISBN (paper) 978-3-7497-1696-8 and 3) AstronEffizienzOnomie ISBN (paper) 978-3-7497-9467-6 .


Or in English:
AstronTimeOnomy: ISBN 978-3-7526-0286-9
AstronSpaceOnomy: ISBN 978-3-7534-4547-2
AstronEfficiencyOnomy: ISBN 978-3-7534-8251-4

For further information see:








                              PR release 08-12-2023                                                      Fire - Water - Earth - Air                                                                    

Fire-Water-Earth-Air - sounds astronomical - and it is... because the earthly counterpart is about to implode ...



Air                          Water



Fire - Water - Earth - Air ... This is a children's game where the children perform different actions depending on the term. The last one is eliminated.


Coincidentally, the original components of the visible universe defined by us match these 4 words - if we assign a dynamic to the 4 words:


Fire (rocket propulsion) -> Dynamic energy -> All propulsion -> Dark energy

Earth/Galaxy (rotation) -> Matter -> All-braking -> Dark Matter

Water (water vortex) -> "energetic" time -> all-absorption -> black hole

Air (vortex storm) -> "energetic" space -> all-space -> VOIDs


(The short formulae, far-reaching cross- & cross-correlations, as well as extrapolations to this, are presented in our lecture "The universe on a cheat sheet - from the big bang to the perpetuum mobile" - as well as central aspects for use in everyday (corporate) life ... ).


The overall "energy" is not lost when the children's game is eliminated or during the correlations and transformations over time of the universal relativity aspects - and everything and everyone can come back "on board" at any time.


In contrast to "child's play" and the "universe", however, humans are in the process of destroying the basic areas of the "game of life" (fire-water-earth-air):


Fire: we are burning up all fossil energy in a consumption frenzy that would require 3 earths if everyone lived like Americans ...

Earth: We are destroying the earth with mining, bog drying, nuclear repositories, fertilisers, monocultures, deforestation, ...

Water: We are polluting the oceans with plastic/oil..., melting the (Ant-)Actis, flooding the earth (+60 m level potential), stopping currents ...

Air: We contaminate the air with car/train/plane/ship/rocket... exhaust fumes, we warm the climate, we promote bad weather/floods, other natural disasters ... .


And most of us, WE, we observe the "theatre" that is happening "out there" ... distanced, neutral, criticising, "we should be thinking" ... but others should do something ... after all, I pay taxes for that ...


Understandable - but useless ...


... because those who should do something are too powerless, too incompetent, too corruptible, too bound, too selfish, too lazy, too poor, ... . Nothing is happening. For decades. Only show projects. Reality is crumbling. Imploding.

And when it comes to rescue operations, the focus is on politically visible, status-quo-preserving measures. There are many justifications for "political profiling" ("too big to fail" or "national emergency") and many more rescue operations, such as: tax incentives, subsidies, bad banks, zero interest rate policy, wasteful monetary policy, public guarantees, special assets... . The fact that not everything is now possible with the new Constitutional Court judgement is only a little comforting. The sad thing is that the environmental aspects (fire, water, earth, air) in particular will suffer again.




It's all about money. Or rather, it's about "no money". Although a lot of money has been "created" in the last decade in particular, 90% of private individuals, companies and states have not(!) become wealthier or more capable of acting, but rather poorer and more restricted. And the wealthier 10 % prefer to speculate in the short term rather than invest in long-term environmental projects that do not bring any visible, bookable "return". The wealthier ones can continue to buy everything they need to survive in a poorer environment for a very long time in the future.

However, simply taxing the wealthy more does not solve the problem. Environmental destruction is also caused by the masses of poorer people (even in "richer" countries) who have no money to behave sustainably - or are even forced to cut down the jungle as day labourers due to a lack of money.

And: if people can only buy cheaply because of poverty, there is no market for expensive sustainability. There is no capital involved. Even wealthy people and companies cannot escape the "obligations" of capital. They too are tied up in the vicious circle of capital. It would be wrong to "punish" only them with higher taxes.

And: If the cause of poverty lies in the wrong - also global - economic policy, then we have to start somewhere completely different than punishing those who only want the best for themselves and "their market", which "imposes" its (economic and environmental policy) laws on them.


The solution?


GlobalOnomy! Astronomy for economics!


Capital is only one way of thinking. A very successful model in itself. But it has a destructive effect on the rest of the world. So why not establish a new model of thinking? On top. Without class struggle and redistribution. Only relativisation ....


We need a new big bang that makes us all, the whole world, more prosperous so that everyone can afford sustainability. And also to make it more worthwhile for capital to invest in the production of goods/services instead of primarily speculating. This big bang could be set in motion by the introduction of our LAZEB model (Life-Labour-Time-Units-Bonus). The LAZEB concept is based, among other things, on the universe aspect that stars receive all the energy for their entire existence when they are formed - and release it again when they implode as part of a super nova. There is therefore no energy inflation here. And the additional "energetic" (free) space (prosperity) gained - also through the stars - is retained - or is created again and again without losing the basic energy, which repeatedly creates the 4 basic elements of the above model ... A perpetual motion machine!


LAZEB can also initially only be used centrally, by governments - and only later, depending on the progress of the respective societies, can it be successively introduced - and transferred to the people. LAZEB should only be introduced on a generalised basis when humanity no longer primarily strives for consumption, for "HAVING", but for "BEING", which is propagated by 99% of all philosophers and makes people happier (see also Erich Fromm, book: Haben oder Sein (To have or to be)) prevails - and what the universe also primarily strives for ((free space (dark energy: 72% power) instead of black holes (dark matter: 23% power) and galaxies (matter: 5% power) ...)). By inverting Maslow's pyramid of needs thanks to LAZEB, BE-behaviour can also be implemented very realistically: if most people no longer have to fight for survival or "can" boast about having achievements (because everyone could buy the same), but if people can and want to be transcendent (not meant religiously), then we can save the world.


Thanks to astronomy and global onomics



And the basis of the LAZEB (the star energy for its entire life - is already available when it is created) is infinitely more stringently founded than the previous "instruments" for "saving the nation" (from bad banks to special assets): because astronomy, our universe, has existed for over 13.8 billion years - and is growing better and faster than the economy of so-called "homo-sapiens"!


"Capital" is also just a way of thinking of "homo-sapiens". There have already been many of these (monarchy, church, castes, dictatorships, emperors, classicists, monetarists, Keynesians, capitalists, communists, "social" market economy, gold standard, speculation standard, ... ). A new model of thought, which is astronomically based, is more relevant than all previous models! And that is why it must be constitutionally implementable everywhere, worldwide. LAZEB is cross-party and cross-national, neutral - and is based on people(!!!), on the number of people in each country. Developing countries do not have to invest first (if they get any capital at all) in order to achieve a net national product, on the basis of which they can then take monetary policy measures for (also) environmental remediation. With LAZEB, the environmental money is there immediately. And we need it now! This is the only way we can still save our world!

The LAZEB model (if applied consistently) can NEVER become a vicious circle model, as the CAPITAL model has become. LAZEB can also be introduced today - PARALLEL ! to all existing dissent: initially "only" to save the environment !


Follow us on LinkedIn to represent a large group as a "civil society" that should be taken into account:

Follow: , to achieve (non-political, factual) "political relevance" of a new system (LAZEB in the context of ).


You are also welcome to book our lectures on the renowned platform: / search for "Albert Bright".


We look forward to meeting you!


Many thanks in advance




Helmut Rasch (Albert Bright - as author and keynote speaker)


P.S.: Please spread this PR message in your community ?



#Fire-#Water-#Earth-#Air are the elementary components of a children's game, of the earth, but also, in a modified form, of the #Universe. In #children's play and in the #universe, everything can be "played" again and again. Humans, however, are in the process of #destroying these elementary components of the #sustainability goals on #Earth. To break this human #vicious #circle, the #capital model must be overhauled, universal #prosperity achieved - and #poverty eradicated so that everyone can afford #sustainability. We recommend our #LAZEB concept (Life-Labour-Time-Unit-Bonus), which was built on #universe laws (even #stars get their entire existence #energy in its creation). See also .






                         PR-News Nov 8th, 2023                                                       veni - vidi - vici - abii                                             

veni, vidi, vici, abii - came, saw, conquered, went    


Sounds astronomical ... and it is ...



        abii          vidi



4 words, 1 cycle. Not for Julius Cesar - and not for many of the current power and capital bubbles. But yes for the universe and for the "GlobalOnomy" model of world-wide-wealth . com - and even sustainably!


The world of broken cycles

The capital markets of the "real world" are exhausted, although money is urgently needed for all(!) 17 UN sustainability goals, humanitarian issues, defence, peace, debt service, rescue subsidies, development aid, energy, housing, infrastructure, schools, kindergartens, pension gaps, healthcare, social services, asylum seekers, democracy ... . There is hardly any capital for the "real world", even though or because the capital markets of the speculative world are full of capital - and are unfortunately disproportionately "inflated". However, since everything that gets too big implodes (law of astronomy, super nova), the current bubbles will also burst once again due to a lack of "realistic" basis - and destroy many things, disappear as a model, go away, say abii - but/and unfortunately, due to a lack of sustainability, not be a basis for a new beginning.


The universe with unbroken cycles

The universe, on the other hand, is a perpetual motion machine. It has been growing for 13.8 billion years, ever larger, ever faster, with relatively few major crises - and at the end there is a new beginning (without any loss of energy) - we have proven this in terms of formulae ˣ¹, modelled it ˣ² and can present it plausibly as a keynote speech: "The universe on a cheat sheet..." .


While the universe is multidimensional, far-reaching and sustainable, the thoughts and actions of, among others, 1. Roman emperors, 2. other dictators or 3. Money-absorbing, bubble-forming, always all-destroying, imploding speculative bubble constructs, ... are primarily egoistically orientated towards short-term "victories" and "pointless" power(-preservation) (("pointless", because according to the laws of astronomy EVERYTHING that gets too big disintegrates in a "super-nova" implosion: just like our sun (when it has grown by 400% in 5 billion years). years), or like all previous great powers/empires (the Roman Empire collapsed after 2,206 years, the British Commonwealth only lasted 400 years) - and like speculative bubbles that have become too big and only last 3 to 5 years because there is too little "fundus"). The millions of people, families, cultures, infrastructures, environment, biodiversity, etc. that many rulers destroy are a high price to pay. Unfortunately, many rulers only realise that their path was not the right one when they "abii", (leave) / (die).


We absolutely need a better basic model for our world in order to become capable of acting for a sustainable world rescue. 


The Big Bang is one thing. The primal elements are another. The primordial structure is the next ... The universe needed 380,000 years for the latter. Then it was there. And then it was there too: SPACE. The -energetic! - (free) SPACE. Initially (see graphics on dark matter & energy from Wikipedia), SPACE is not directly visible - but according to Albert Einstein, everything must have been there in parallel: space, time, matter, energy - although Einstein could not explain space and time ... We have managed to do the latter in recent years.


In earthly terms, the Big Bang can be compared to birth, or the sudden existence of an idea (flash of inspiration). In humans, the development of the primal structure (birth) takes 9 months. Sufficient knowledge for the first good ideas/compositions/art/etc. is there after 9 years. Unfortunately, many people only achieve lasting wisdom at the age of 90.


I came, "veni", - or rather my breakthroughs came - to the idea of "astronomy for economics" at 60. And with this structure of ideas, I feel like I've been reborn. Suddenly seeing the light of another spectrum is a fascinating experience. Ideas are fascinating and invigorating! Like a big bang.


Being or coming (veni) is one thing. Studying the environment (vidi) - the other. And positioning is the next .... In the universe, this works automatically according to certain (also "chaos") rules. Space plays an elementary role in this. Energetic(!) (free) space. Space is not about a "room", which is what 99% of people imagine "space" to be (according to Google pictures). In the universe, in astronomy, it is about the energetic 4-D space inside AND outside, around the room - therefore everything, right to the end of the universe. And with so much "energetic free space" - for its own orbit (according to Einstein, every planet seeks its own path) - as well as by granting enough free space for others (everything is moving apart), there are far fewer collisions/conflicts in space than on Earth.


We must learn to "look further", to become more "far-sighted", to want to "see" more, to remain as curious as a child, to always form cross-area correlations in order to not only see the small dimension of an "enclosed" room when it comes to "space" - and to not only see the small dimension of hands that are "enclosed" in a clock when it comes to "time" (which is also energetic!).


Birth is one thing. The further development of what is seen in the brain is the other. On earth, however, positioning unfortunately takes place almost everywhere on the basis of the material instead of the "energetic-spatial". In the universe, the material only has an energetic force of 5% (that of Albert Einstein's simple theory of relativity).


The earthly philosophical correlation to the astronomical, energetic space-energy?: On earth, an "energetic free space" is possible in every brain - and with sufficient intelligence and free space, which is also granted to others, there would also be fewer conflicts on earth. Energetic free space is a fascinating astronomical quantity that can - and urgently should - also be transferred to Earth and human beings.

However, if you only lock yourself in a room (company, country...) and don't want to see what the universe can offer, then you remain "stuck" to the "material" (power, territories, wealth, market share, ...) and only achieve sub-optimal ideas and solutions for the survival of humanity. Very few people achieve wisdom these days - and this is not primarily due to age. Unfortunately, it often happens that "you can't see the wood for the trees". We think too little (assume many things automatically), too closed (room), hardly relativising, short-sighted instead of far-sighted, hardly multidimensional (across at least 2 sciences) or/and hardly lateral (new, different), little correlative (if, then), etc. . Unfortunately, we are too often blind and/or "un-insightful". Positioning and alignment via "vidi" works better in the universe - thanks to more energetic free space.


2.1 Vidi - earthly aspects from the astronomical "bird" perspective ...

While the overall energy of the universe remains constant and sustainable, the earthly energy from the destruction of many power holders/constellations is irretrievably lost.


a) The "vicious circle" of an all-absorbing speculation-induced bubble-burst (water) vortex ...

If the current capital-background systems are maintained, hardly any (new) state will be able to save anything - or rather or rebuild it sustainably, as the vicious cycles will repeat themselves again and again - and destroy more and more irrevocably ( new economy crisis, mortgage bubble crisis, car credit crisis, financial crisis, cash flow crisis, money system crisis ( rescue "money" glut - and the resulting inflation ), interest rate system crisis (first a huge glut of money at zero interest rates (which destroys banking and insurance models - and which then have to be rescued), then all-destructive drastic interest rate rises), mortgage system crisis (first a price-inflation mortgage bubble (s. above), then, when it bursts: renewed bank and insurance rescue operations, then surge in demand with zero/minus interest rates, then up to 50% collapse in orders and industry deaths due to partly state-induced price increases for a) energy (wild "hedging" actions), b) materials (extreme "wishes" regarding insulation, heating and inflationary completion quantities(!) requirements) and c) interest rates (from minus 1% to plus 5%).


b) The "vicious circle" of an all-paralysing state regulation/rescue measures (water) vortex

And so the rescue measures have taken on ever more utopian forms: Subsidies, tax breaks, guarantees and special measures for "systemically relevant sectors" (banks, insurance companies, state-owned and large corporations), "whatever-it-takes money glut", worldwide central bank-imposed zero interest rates (for privileged sectors), ECB money glut (also for ailing paper, also from large corporations), transitional money, transitional regulations, bad bank trickery, crisis-related debt brake suspensions, corona emergency money/measures glut, energy emergency money/measures glut, special asset trickery for more and more areas ... . States can hardly regulate anything with their current maximum budget gaps. The "political" regulatory "necessity" in one sector leads to confusion in many other sectors.


c) The "vicious circle" of misallocation of funds due to misalignment of focus

Speculation has become more attractive than the risks of investing in increasingly over-regulated "normal" product and service markets. Government mismanagement, regulatory and tax policy chaos are leading to a shift of capital into the freer(!) speculative sector. However, bubbles have to burst - and the state then has to bail out (close to the people) - even though it has less income from productive (manufacturing or service) areas. This in turn means that even the state, in order to be able to help, has to set up speculative models in order to obtain new "capital" without putting too much strain on the debt brake.


2.2 Astronomical view, "vidi", as a solution for earthly undesirable developments

The universe works much better because there is no speculation and no political regulatory frenzy. The laws of astronomy apply equally to all stars and planets, no matter how big or small they are. And the highest good of the universe is freedom in peace. With 72% of all energetic forces in the universe, "energetic free SPACE" is generated. For everyone.


It is TIME to think and act in new energetic(!) "SPACE" dimensions: The thoughts from GLOBALONOMY (astronomy laws for economic challenges) on the basis of LAZEB (see solution approach at the end of this PR article) are a good approach for the urgently needed financial resources - on a sustainable basis!


What are victories/successes - and what is damage?

In astronomical terms, I would ...

... everything that leads to more energetic free SPACE is a victory. These are 1. the big bang with its expansion push; 2. voids with their expansion pulls - and 3. "dark energy" (72% of all "forces" (energies) in the universe) with its extreme expansion pull.
... and ...

... describe everything as damage that leads to energetic TIME stress: 1. matter as such (5% of all "forces (energy) in the universe is matter(-ll), which implodes in stars, for example, when matter becomes too large, in the context of a super-nova; 2. the loss of all aspects (e.g. matter) that are caused by a super-nova. e.g. matter) which is destroyed (absorbed) by the "power" of "black holes"; 3. "dark matter" (23% of all "forces" (energy) in the universe) because of its slowing effect in the nearer "power" environment (in the case of large accumulations of matter, such as galaxies).
Yes, there is also (still) a "flip side" in the universe. However, this "matter" (5% matter and 23% "dark matter") is increasingly being "displaced" by the energetic free SPACE ("dark energy").


From a human perspective, I would ...

everything that is sustainable and/or enables energetic free space as a victory. These are e.g.: 1. resettlement/preservation of nature, 2. for a better human sustainability, the reversal of the Malow needs pyramid is necessary: broad (currently most people) to the top - and the top (the derezit fewest people) to the bottom - while maintaining Maslow's categories in their current position: basic needs at the bottom; transcendence, not meant religiously, now very broad/big, at the top, the mass of humanity transcendent. This succeeds: a.) by means of a humanity-expansion-push (new big bang...) via the introduction of a LAZEB (life-work-time-unit-bonus - just as the stars receive the energy for their entire life - until implosion - at their formation(!). LAZEB as a basis for independent existence (to overcome deficit needs); b.) by promoting humanity expansion pulls, Maslow's so-called growth needs: via enabling self-realisation, via free SPACE for thoughts/intelligence/ideas/people - and promoting transcendence, via, among other things, the above-mentioned LAZEB as a safeguard.
... and ...

I would see everything that (1.) a focus on (violent) "material expansion" by rulers, e.g. by means of a.) riches in territories via wars or b.) monopolisation/"centralisation" as damage. ) monopolisation/"centralisation" of (illusory) material/power values, such as gold, money or "illusory" money (such as crypto "currencies", speculative bubbles, through to "rescue bad banks" or "reconstruction" special "assets", zero interest on government debt, etc.)  - without a sound/objectively comprehensible basis), ... with/by (2.) simultaneously accepting a) deaths, injuries and destruction in wars or b)impoverishment of the "broad masses" (as is currently happening in even so-called "social market economies" through the "destruction" of the middle class. The current capital model with all its "rules" concentrates more and more capital with fewer and fewer people/institutions. But if the masses of poor people can no longer buy what the few rich people produce, then the empire of the rich will also implode. And if the constraints of capital, in which the current monopolists are also bound, do not allow sustainability for the environment (climate and biodiversity) because a good environment is too "far away" and does not generate the short-term profit needed, then we all lose because the world falls apart. That should not be the case.

We need a new direction. A new basic model. Parallel to or on-top of the current capital model, so that "money" can be created for our environment - and which can be used for environmental projects WITHOUT having to adhere to current capital rules. We recommend GlobalOnomy.

We have invented the formulae of TIME, SPACE, DARK MATTER, DARK ENERGY, DYNAMIC RELATIVITY, UR-KNALL, and the ALL-INCLUSIVE UNIVERSE FORMULA, as well as a new UNIVERSE MODEL ... and use them to optimise GLOBALONOMY: Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, Common Good & Sustainability and Climate & Environment - worldwide!  ( See also books: AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie, AstronEffizienzOnomie )

New ideas can only be achieved by thinking differently. Albert Einstein already wrote: "You cannot solve a problem with the same tools that caused it". For new ideas, you have to build up a broad knowledge base - and be able to think outside the box. But a new idea is still a long way from being a winner. New ideas always go through the same process: 1. they are ignored, 2. they are ridiculed, 3. they are fought against, 4. they begin to establish themselves, 5. they are advocated as "self-evident". To implement ideas, you need a) perseverance (physically e.g. "money/surrogates" or/and fellow fighters - as well as psychologically e.g. firm will, standing), b) time, c) free space, or/and d) power.

We are convinced that the "power of the factual" unites the intelligences (free-space energy in the brain) of this world. And we see from the accesses to world-wide-wealth . com that ALL major nations are interested in our solution approach: we currently have 1,000,000 technically interested visitors per year (as good search terms after visiting the homepage ...) and many of them are multiple visitors, with a strong upward trend. We don't know who exactly is behind this, but the interest makes us optimistic ? .

We MUST talk to each other to save our world!

We CAN also gradually introduce the LAZEB model (personal life-work-time-unit-bonus of each person).

The LAZEB of all inhabitants of the respective areas could initially only be used as a (taxable) basic basis for financing sustainability for the state leaders.
LAZEB can then be successively transferred to the inhabitants - when everyone has become educated and transcendent enough to handle the "donated" LAZEB energy responsibly. If all the stars and planets in the universe can achieve this, then humanity should also be able to realise it. The LAZEB can be "booked" to bank and/or mobile accounts via existing systems - and "released" for various aspects based on certain criteria. Parallel to the current capital world.
The aim of the process should be for LAZEB to be available to everyone from birth, just as the stars receive the energy for their entire existence when they are born. It should be multipliable with good performance, just as stars gain SPACE. And at death, the ex-base should be withdrawn again in an inflation-inhibiting manner, as in a supernova.
Further details can be found in our books (AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie and AstronEffizienzOnomie).
We CAN then bury the current speculative capital models and insane power models - or allow them to continue to exist separately(!) - without access to the LAZEB model. In this way, our world can move from the current "abii" decay mode into a new "veni" sustainability mode - and shoot the cycle, like the universe.

In England, for example, a good separation between speculative and real capital banks has been achieved. What has been missing so far is a good new real capital base to generate "sound", new, urgently needed money for the real sector. With LAZEB, we can close this gap. And if everyone is wealthy and transcendent (not meant in a religious sense), people striving for power will find it difficult to establish themselves as rulers. The world will become more peaceful.

And with the vision of a global LAZEB, a new enthusiasm for the economy will emerge. Even if this new world will then be very sustainable, there will be so much more potential that capital should also be interested in introducing this LAZEB model. This LAZEB potential will make investments in products and services much more interesting again than speculation. There will be a return of speculative capital to the real world - and hardly any rescue measures will be necessary.


Everything is a cycle. It could at least be one for humans and their world too ...

The universe is a perpetual motion machine! More sustainability is not possible ...


In the current system, humans are always acting destructively. And sustainability is even being thwarted. 17 beautiful sustainability goals are not being achieved (they have all become even worse than in 2015) because the goals have no capital basis - and unfortunately no legal basis either: they have only been included as goals in the budget of 3 smaller countries so far - disgraceful.  PR without any basis. The MAIN PROBLEM, the "sustainability of capital", has "strangely" not become an 18th sustainability goal ... although our world is being destroyed by the vicious cycles of the unsustainable capital model. We must optimise the capital model sustainably - with GLOBALONOMY! And with LAZEB! Or everything dies, goes forever. Abii. Full stop. End!


The universe regenerates automatically - even after a potential implosion of its own. Humans can't do this at the moment because they destroy too much. What a pity!!!


And when will you switch over? From co-runner to co-thinker?! From re-actor to pro-actor?!


Join us on the road to global onomy ... now! E.g. on LinkedIn, as a follower or contact from


Book our keynote speech "The universe on a cheat sheet..." for your event to offer your addressees new angles, ways of thinking and perspectives - and to spread these ideas - and to save our world!


Thanks in advance for connecting ? .



ˣ¹ In the end there is a new beginning: proven by our formulas of SPACE and TIME, as well as their correlation " d² " (more details in the book AstronEffizienzOnomie, Albert Bright, 2020, Tredition Verlag) and their multiplier effect with (and thus relativisation of) Einstein's Simple Relativity, as well as their extrapolation, which represents the changes from "Dark Matter" to "Dark Energy" over time - and with which the "Dark" is deciphered.

More information on the "perpetual motion machine" of the universe: in our lecture "The universe on a cheat sheet ..."


ˣ² The universe even includes its end in its (our ... newly invented ) formulas - and leads (a) with its final decay(! ) on the outer sides of an energetic "propagation-growth-vortex-storm" - via (b) initially the outer areas of an all-absorbing, "centralisation & annihilation vortex" - to finally (c) its "narrower" vortex-hole-end and to (d) a new big bang, i.e. to (e) a new beginning (with again a long harmonious presence for all involved). This process is symbolically represented by our double spiral design, narrow on the inside and narrowing towards the centre on both sides, wide on the outside and widening towards the centre on both sides, merging infinitely (see also the cover picture of the book AstronEffizienzOnomie) ...









PR-News - October 2nd, 2023                                                  

Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, Réalisabilité ...                     

Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, Réalisabilité ...



Sounds astronomical .... It is! Because ...




1. liberté is the highest good, what the universe strives for.


Our invented SPACE formula (book: AstronRaumOnomie) helps to understand 72% of the so far unknown energies (forces), the so-called "DARK ENERGY". This 72% Dark Energy has been growing increasingly over the last 13.8 billion years - and continues to grow and grow faster. This leads to more and more free "SPACE" for all and everything that exists in space. ((SPACE is not (only) 3-D, but (primarily) energetic!))


Against it the earth strives - once again - to dictatorial dominations. So, as - betreits shortly after the French revolution - with Napoleon (again) a dictatorship established itself.


Freedom begins also on the earth not (primarily) by (more own) 3-D SPACE. Freedom begins also on earth primarily with energetic FREE SPACE: in the (energetic) brain: Intelligence (and thus own free space) can grow, without brain or head must become larger - energetically. Like the universe.


2. Égalité is a real basic principle of the universe.

The universe can be described with a few formulas - and these are equally valid for the whole universe: For 500 billion galaxies, with 100 billion stars each, with many planets each ... across a SPACE with over 50 billion light years in diameter ...


In contrast, on the very small earth more than 200 constitutions determine different norms in different countries. If then still most different norms from most different areas (e.g. economic or tax laws) are added, an almost infinite mountain of UN-equalities results. On this basis, the earth can never become as effective as the universe functions.


Equality also begins on Earth with the "natural" - human beings as such. No matter from which territories or constitutions he comes. Humans understand each other worldwide. It is constitutions - and especially dictatorial - which program us humans against each other. International human rights are a good beginning for a conflict-free world. Like in space.


Fraternité shows itself in the universe in the cooperation of the systems.


In the universe there are about 500 billion galaxies, each with 100 billion - gliding around the galaxies - solar systems, each with many planets gliding around the respective suns. And although some celestial bodies are larger, planet-rich, faster, more energetic, etc. than others, it is nevertheless a Miteinader of the systems on universal basis - with maximally 1 large crisis (super nova) every 100 years, while on the earth at present every 3 years a large crisis develops.


On earth there is not this brotherhood. Much is rather a against each other, than a togetherness. Everyone tries to get more for himself - at the expense of the others. The egoistic HAVEN (want more) dominates - and not the BEING (satisfaction and self-optimization).   On earth Maslow's "deficit" needs (physiological, safety, social and individual needs) dominate while Maslow's "growth" needs (self-realization and transcendence - here not meant religiously) are (can be) realized only by a few.


Brotherhood also begins on earth with tolerance of the other. In the universe the galaxies strive (primarily) energetically apart - and not against each other. The stars within the galaxies "live" very coordinated with each other - tolerating all other(s). And nevertheless (according to Albert Einstein) every star/planet searches its own(!) way - and optimizes it continuously (from the circle to the oval "trajectory") - out to the (energetic and "own free-)space, away from the (material) core/star/bang. The philosophical (energetic) BEING should be propagated also on earth much more than the (material) HAVING. As in the universe.


4. realisabilité realizes the universe by the fact that the "driver"-forces (SPACE) are stronger than the "brakeman"-forces (TIME).


"Brakeman" is (still) the second largest force, which exists in the universe: "DARK MATTER". Our invented TIME formula (book: AstronZeitOnomie) helps to understand this 23% of the energy(forces), which were unknown up to now. This force (TIME), which works materially / attracting (like "gravity"), tends to concentrate everything. But in the universe this 23% Dark Matter has lost in the last 13.8 billion years in importance - and tends to decrease further.And at the same time the force grows (see point 1.), which guarantees more and more freedom (SPACE).


In contrast, on earth the destructive power of the - materially and/or habtically oriented aspects increases more and more, the more power and capital are concentrated. To the detriment of everything else.


Realizabilities, effectiveness, efficiency sink, the more centralistic "energy" (the power to do work) is concentrated on the (formula) "side" of the time/matter. The more liberal energy is concentrated on the (formula-) "side" of space/free-energy-space, the more feasibilities, effectiveness and efficiency increase. Like in space.


5. last but not least: Material things are not mentioned - neither in the above enumeration, nor in the shortened version of the French Revolution. It is rather about ideal values.


In the universe the material has also only an (energy) value of only 5%. This is the energy which Albert Einstein found with his formulas.


In contrast, in today's industrial world the material seems to dominate 95% of life - although 95% of all(!) phylosophers are convinced that the (energetic) BEING makes happier than the (material) HAVING. As in the universe.



All the more brilliant appear the visions of the French revolution at that time around 1789 - 1799.



On the earth we think unfortunately today(!) still (and more and more) too materially/having oriented. And in the fight of the old systems (monarchy, clergy, bourgeoisie) a dimension - all-embracing(!) - has established itself: Capital, which is also materially/habtically and centralistically oriented.


Capital has unfortunately meanwhile seized the energetic power of a - everything destroying - "black hole". In (almost) every galaxy. And once established, it seems very difficult to escape from this vicious circle of a "black hole", which sucks up and destroys everything for itself.


In capital-oriented systems, it is also more and more a matter of surpassing Albert Einstein's 5% material basis: How do I generate speculative multipliers that increase the value of the material many times over - what the purely material would normally create in energy (c²). This cannot work in the long run. According to astronomy laws the quantity of the energy is absolute, limited. 

This additional "dreamed" "energy" is speculation(!), a human and real-economical, suboptimal constellation (one wins, everything loses). This is legal - and has led to much prosperity in the past - but only for certain groups and at the expense of the rest of the world. And unfortunately it leads again and again to the collapse of many systems and aspects. "Capital" remains (at first). But everything else impoverishes and collapses. But then, capital also collapses, because nobody can buy what is produced by capital. And the environmental destruction makes any life impossible. 


In our universal formula of the universe we have integrated a multiplier which keeps the Simple Relativity of Einstein concerning the matter. However, we extend this Simple Relativity of Einstein by our mathematical/physical/astronomical/real(!) - not speculative(!) - factor/multiplier: the "SPACE-TIME correlation". Matter(lles) is relativized by a multiple. While Einstein clears up "only" 5% of the universe-energy, we clear up the rest, the 95% of the until now "UN"-known energies.


The relativity of these multipliers determine the failure/success of systems. As in the universe, so also on earth!

Our multiplier SPACE:TIME ( E/M : M/E ) is valid not only in space, but also for everything on earth. If the material/centralistic aspects/orientations increase, the success/energy prospects for the total system decrease in perspective. If the energetic/freedom aspects/orientations rise, perspective success prospects rise overall. As in space.


The (energetic) BEING propagated by 95% of the Phylosophists is many times more successful for the total world(!), than the (material) HAVING propagated by currently capital systems.


To save our world and us we need a reorientation of the systems. Almost everything can remain so, but the valences must be changed, relativized. Away from (rather material) TIME, towards (rather energetic/ideal) SPACE. And we achieve the necessary reversal of the current medical/psychological Maslow's need-pytamides for this by our LAZEB-model (from book: AstronZeitOnomie): Time is money? ok: Money, be time!  With this model we give to the people the same life-time-energy (energy is astronomically: the power to do something), which the stars get at their formation. With it we achieve a (primarily "energetic") prosperity gain, which makes possible much of what does not work at present - without destroying the old, redistributing, conquering warlike, etc. . We merely relativize it - and generate a Win-WIN situation! By a meaning of the capital relativized to a minimum, capital can speculate and concentrate gladly further. The rest of the world goes more liberal ways. And democratic politics becomes again many times more capable of acting. For the good of the environment/world.


Just as we succeeded to decode in astronomy the up to now unknown 95% of energies (and to relativize, to leave the only 5% importance of the material-energetic inventions of Albert Einstein factually at the 5%) - so we succeed with our GLOBALONOMY/-LAZEB-MODEL (on star-emergence-energy-basis, which is enough for its whole existence) to turn around Maslow's pyramid of needs, to implement the philosophical optimum BEING instead of HAVING, and also here to reduce the material and the current importance of capital to 5%, as well as to transfer the free, energetic, efficient, wealth generating, sustainable SPACE dimensions of the universe. As in space, so on earth. 


The relative multiplier RAUM:ZEIT ( E/M : M/E ) to the Einsteinian (material) Simple Relativity, found by us, is the solution to all challenges of the current world-problems. One can - and should - apply it (the multiplier) in (all) other environments.


Wake up! We must - and can - optimize, turn around, direct everything in this world into better win-win dimensions. Just do it! Otherwise we will all perish.


Réalisabilité (through a better, astronomically sound basis) is THE crucial aspect missing in the French Revolution - and again and again in many u.a. innovations, in non-profit organizations and very often in "revolutionary" approaches. Much good is "nipped in the bud" because the respective suboptimal status quo set up by humans wants to be maintained out of convenience. Astronomy for Economy ( or "GlobalOnomy" ) is the solution for a better world , because it enables many very much and makes many challenges financially feasible and realizable. 


Best regards


Helmut Rasch (Albert Bright)








PR-INFO  08-09-2023                                                                               

Astronomy-Formulas instead of World-Bubble-                                                   Bursting                                                                                


Astronomy-Formulas Instead of World-Bubble-Bursting


1. the world of bubbles.


The "world" is fighting on many "shells" of many "bubbles" against many "needles" which (threaten to) burst the bubbles.


The biggest bubble is today's "capital" structure: the turnover on the world currency markets of the "speculative" economy is at least 100 times (10,000%) bigger than that for transactions on the goods market of the "real" economy.


Don Quixote (decaying nobility) could do nothing with his "lance" (useless weapon) against the mills (power of the rising proletariat).


Today's "world" (decaying real economy) can hardly do anything against the bubbles with its "tools" (inefficient politics: money, interest, redistribution, bad banks, debt relief, too-big-to-fail bailouts, Whatever-It-Takes bailouts, special assets, ...).


And states can only access a fraction of the remaining 1% of the real economy. And of the 1%, most of it is already earmarked for status quo maintenance. "Rescue" funds/"solutions" for burst bubbles are increasingly at the expense of prosperity - and even against themselves: e.g.: Cutting funds for political education - in a world that is becoming more extreme!


Today it is not only about aristocracy versus proletariat. Today it is about mankind and the (surrounding) world, which - by the inflation and bursting of all bubbles - are first sucked out and then blown away. At the latest, when all capital is concentrated at few "points", the majority of the "points" has no more capital to buy the goods produced by the capital. Then also the capital bubble bursts - and everything is destroyed.



2. the solutions of the universe


The universe grows since 13,8 billion years, always faster and with less big crises (1 super nova every 100 years, instead of 1 bubble implosion every 3 years) than the "world(s)" of the so-called "Homo-Sapiens".


Also in the universe there are "formations" which look like bubbles. However, these "bubbles" have a completely different structure - and "task".


An atom looks like a bubble because of the electrons circulating around it. But there are essential differences in space to terrestrial bubbles: e.g.:


a) An aspect is a "healthy"(!) nucleus.

The atomic nucleus of protons and neutrons, and especially their quantum and string components are associated with extremely strong energy. Hardly any terrestrial bubble has a "healthy" nucleus. On the contrary: often even unhealthy derivatives are added.


b) A limited(!) size

In the "small", in atoms, the positive charge of the protons holds the negatively charged electrons like a "bubble-construct" on a constant(!) size, which is different depending on the atom. Each atom for itself is balanced and stable. Earthly bubbles on the other hand always tend to grow to the maximum, without consideration of the conditions in the nucleus.


In the "big one", at the shell of the total universe "bubble", the limit is set by the RAUM formula invented by us. There, where all matter-particles have finally found their own free-space, there (free-)SPACE can and needs no more to grow. It is the outside of the vortex defined by us, which - like a hurricane earth vortex - at the outer edge lets the whirled up materials sink down again (these sink into its counterpart, into the "lower" area (invisible anti-universe), and are caught there at the outsides of a water-vortex-similar formation, - and are pushed in the reverse vortex upward, where they can produce a new Ur-bang and are swirled again in the center of the above-lying wind-vortex-origin. A very large bubble. But more stable than the earthly bubbles, which are built without stable structure and without healthy core by speculators, who only aim at senseless size - and which unfortunately also cause more and more, hardly repairable damage.  


c) Limited lifetime

A star (and thus all atoms, which will be created here) gets at its formation the energy for its whole life - until its implosion in the context of a super nova (our sun e.g. in 5 billion years). Earthly bubbles have at the beginning only a fraction of the capital, which is to be collected during the "marketing". Its lifetime can be endless, if it is "saved" again and again (as with bank losses: with bad banks). In the universe, the bank would have long been swallowed up by the galaxy's "black hole" because of its "weaknesses". The rule here is not "too-big-to-fail" but "too-big-to-survive", because of too many mistakes and "legacy burdens".


d) Charitable tasks

For example, a star is formed from dust compressed by solar winds. (All-purity ...). Since matter tends to move, the star with its orbit - and its expansion tendencies contributes to the (free) SPACE gain for all(!) stars and planets of the universe. Also its motion-energy and later implosion-energy contribute to the (free-)SPACE-energy. (Free-)SPACE(!) for all(!) the "BEING" instead of the "HAVING" seems to be (with 72% of all universe-energies as focus) one of the biggest goals of the universe (our invented SPACE-formula can be found in the book AstronRaumOnomie). The great earthly, primarily "material" (or "monetary" as the material counterpart) orientation and "wanting to have", as well as the material primarily focused on individuals (large stars attract many small planets), has a significance in the universe of only 5% (that from Albert Einstein's Simple Relativity Theory formula).


A "black" hole eliminates in the universe even all faint costellations - and squeezes the energy from its matter - very much to the benefit of the SPACE gain of our visible universe part.


e) Autonomy within a community

All stars (e.g.: companies) and planets (e.g.: humans) get the energy for their whole life at their formation. They can live alone with this energy according to the laws of the universe. However, almost all join a galaxy as a community - also because they can act here rather secured. A guiding state as a structure seems to be a good solution also in the universe. As an energy alternative to the planets, people on Earth could be provided with a LAZEB (LebensArbeitsZeitEinheitenBonus) at birth - to be able to go their own, autonomous way through life, without being dependent on governmental or other things (see also book AstronZeitOnomie).


f) LAZEB-(Bonus) as "Secret Tool

The LAZEB-bonus functions on earth as a new demand and world currency with maximum money supply - on astronomically-founded basis! It can be booked on existing bank accounts as new "foreign" currency with which every person can pay worldwide. Parallel to it many educational measures must take place. Not everything can be implemented immediately in every state - and in many cases the state has to act first in a caring way. But a lot of volunteers (organizations) will be found to implement this step. Also a mental reorientation, which is necessary anyway to preserve our world, would be necessary: Away from HAVING (wanting) - and towards BEING (enjoying), which 99% of all philosophers recommend anyway to be happier.


With this LAZEB step very many of the current world problems would be solved. Also and especially because suddenly the money for everything would be available: sufficiently taxable LAZEB. And because every human being would be welcome everywhere - and without burdening the social systems - with his own LAZEB - can contribute something positive to the respective area. And because with a LAZEB one can suddenly also afford and will demand articles, which are clearly sustainable, with which also our world would be saved.


g) Preserve/save the bad? Wrong!

The stars and planets do not need a state, which intervenes saving, in order to receive their life worth living. They are autonomous. What becomes too weak, is held in the universe only limited at the "existence". The energy at a super nova implosion or black hole absorption can be used for better purposes: Free Space Creation. After the end of a "sick" company/bank/person, the involved personnel can now devote themselves to more lively tasks again with the energies of the won free space.


h) HAVE or BE

The created free SPACE is energetic. Our SPACE formula is an energetic formula. It is in the universe not primarily about area-gaining, but about the gaining of a special energy/force. According to our researches, the 3-D-expansion is primarily an apparent expansion, because the RAUM-concentration increases, the farther one moves away from the big bang. You don't really get faster, you just fly over the respective SPACE "distances" of the more concentrated SPACE "waves" faster. Energetic "size" we humans also have. In the brain. If we follow the "tips" of the universe, then we should rather "invest" in our BEING, than the HAVING of matter (which is quite insignificant in the universe) or areas (especially since the more qualitative "space" is primarily energetic).


The BEING is also on earth more fulfilling, than the HAVING.


All this are only some thoughts of our model: GlobalOnomie - Astronomy for Economy. You can learn more - also about our invented formulas - at or/and our books given there.


We wish you an exciting reading and would be very pleased if you would support us personally, multiplicatively-recommending or sponsoring.


Let us search together for an optimization of the current capital bubble model and for a discrete visionary solution to all conflicts of all parties involved. With GlobalOnomie we provide a basis for discussion. Discuss and develop with us. For the benefit of the (surrounding) world and all people.






PR - May 30th, 2023                                                                      


THE Quantum Leap: THE all-encompassing Universal Energy Formula and THE all-encompassing Dynamic Universe Total Circulation Model.



The Universal-Energy-Formula as sum of the Total-Energy-Formula (of “our” side of universe) and the Anti-Energy-Formula - and the resulting new Dynamic Universe-Total-Cycle-Model as Perpetuum-Mobile - by Helmut Rasch (Albert Bright),


In the PR article of 12-05-2023 we briefly presented the Universe-Total Formula of our "visible" universe. This total universe formula can represent not only the current state of the forces, but also the past and future correlations of the forces. In today's article we go into more concrete aspects of these new discoveries - and extend these findings to the field of anti-energy and the summarizing universal energy.


1. Short presentation - incl. splitting in space and time (right parenthesis):

GE = ( M * c² ) * ( E/M : M/E ).


The total energy of our "visible" part of the universe consists of 2 main areas: 1) The energy from the formula of the Special-Relativity of Albert Einstein and 2) the energy from our Dynamic Multiplier, and it´s  2 sub-areas within the Dynamic Multiplier: a) the SPACE-energy-formula ( E/M ) and b) the TIME-energy-formula ( M/E ).


2. shorter-presentation - with mathematical calculation of the right bracket (serves only for the realization of the power of the Dynamic Multiplier):

GE = ( M * c² ) * ( E/M )².


3. shortest representation - with new variable multiplier for dynamics, "d"

(serves only as abbreviation notation - for calculations, equation 1 is indispensable):

GE = ( M * c² ) * d ²                        


However, this formula is again only an intermediate step to an even more universal formula, which we present at the end of this PR message.



 4. short plausibility, according to 1., above mentioned equation :

4.1. see info under: PR-Info from 12-05-2023



A. Astronomy and mathematics - not always the same ...


5. astronomical aspects - and our mathematical background thoughts


5.1 Here we would like to point again on essential aspects:


Purely mathematically we have proved in the book AstronSpaceOnomy that the "c" of Einstein's "Special Relativity" is very well valid also as a velocity variable.

We have then presented space (meters) and time (seconds) as different variable formulas and the respective counterpart ("per meter" or "per time unit") in a respective constant "bracketed out" (but not forgotten), in order to be able to hit with the remainder of the formula, IN-dependently of present space and time definitions, in order to possibly find new force dimensions.


If one calculates only mathematically this above-mentioned 1st formula (also including the bracketed constants), then everything cancels itself against each other and one lands purely with the current speed definition, meters per second.

If one accepts, however, that a) meters and seconds are purely earthly measures; b) that space can be provided with most different forces (vacuum, over-pressure, ...); c) that time can run differently fast (mountain and valley example) and d) that matter in the universe can both, increase (from neutron nebula with solar winds newly developing stars), and decrease (planet and star annihilation in black holes), then the variables represented in the formula just don't(!) cancel against each other any more. Our earth definitions, meters and seconds, help us to think, but the forces out of SPACE- and TIME-Energies are far ahead and away from our purely math contemplation, thus, meters and seconds  and can be neglected. What counts are MATTER  and ENERGY.

I.e.: one should not solve this formula mathematically but use it "only" as it is: provide the variables with the available values in each case to search for wanted aspects.

If one considers the forces, behind our formulas (space: e.g. voids - and time: e.g. black holes), then one can confidently leave out the excluded "small" constants, in order to be able to follow the trains of thought better.

5.2 Closer thoughts to SPACE and TIME

Before the Big Bang there was little(er) SPACE energy and much(more) TIME energy (matter-attachments), so that the space/time dynamic multiplier was obstructive (smaller than 1, so that the energy from the Einstein formula was reduced by the dynamic multiplier - and the total energy GE was smaller than it could have been. TIME was stronger than SPACE.

SPACE and TIME are in competition with each other. Nowadays the SPACE force (e.g. "Dark Energy", 72% of the total energy) is stronger than the TIME force (e.g. "Dark Matter", 23% of the total energy) - and the Matter force (5% of the total energy).

And the basis of all today's calculations is the "visible" matter. This was very large after the big bang - in particular %-tual to the other variables.

But if the universe grows, then only at the expense of matter(-energy), because additional energy from outside is relatively improbable: a) Matter must have decreased since the big bang (in %) (i.e.: The energy from Einstein's Simple Relativity decreases); b) The universe has become bigger: SPACE (energy : matter) has grown (first part of the dynamics factor); and c) TIME (matter : energy) has shrunk (in percentage) (second part of the dynamics factor). This confirms also Wikipedia purely formally: Dark matter shrinks, dark energy grows.



The total energy composition changes since the end of the big bang matter formation, because: 1.) MATTER becomes less(!), because it is decomposed among other things in super novas and black holes. This goes a) at the expense of the Big Bang Matter, b) at the expense of the TIME-Energy (among other things "Dark Matter") - and c) in favor of the SPACE-Energy (among other things "Dark Energy") . AND - parallel to 1.) - since:  2.) ENERGY becomes more(!), since among other things in super novas and black holes the energy is "squeezed out" from the decomposing matters. This goes a) at the expense of the Big Bang matter, b) at the expense of the TIME energy (among other things "dark matter") - and c) in favor of the SPACE energy (among other things "dark energy").

The latter also leads to vaporizations of the values within the 1st above-mentioned formula to the total energy, GE: 1.) The energy from the first bracket with the Einstein-simple-relativity shrinks; 2.) The energy from the first part of the dynamics-bracket, the SPACE-energy, increases and 3.) The energy from the second part of the dynamics-bracket, the TIME-energy, shrinks. The latter in turn leads to an accelerated increase in the value of the dynamic energy multiplier, as an increasing SPACE value is divided by a decreasing TIME value.

The latter leads to increasing total energy, since the losses from the Einstein Simplen Relativity are overcompensated by the second power at the Dynamic Multiplier.

Thereby the space is not (primarily) gained 3-D-moderately (meter/sec), but (also) energetically by "Hurikan"-vortex-effects (the whole universe is turning faster and faster).

Thereby time is not (primarily) defeated 3-D-wise (sec/meter), but (also) "energetically", reverse-vortex-effects (on the other side of the black hole).



B. Past, Present and Future


6. the course of things


6.1 Big Bang


6.1.1 First M-approaches via strings, quanta, protons, electrons, molecules ... (see chain reaction in PR-message of 12-05-2023).


6.1.2 First M-approaches in left(!) (Einstein-) bracket lead to first(!) energy, by multiplication of these M-approaches by Einstein constant c² :


  E = M*c²


6.1.3 However, these first M-approximations do not only lead to energy in the Einstein formula, but also in our new dynamical correlation. The total energy, GE, increases, since the Einstein energy from 1st, left parenthesis increases - and thereby also: the energy in 2nd (r.) bracket, dynamics, increases according to the energy in the 2nd (right) parenthesis, dynamics, increases disproportionately: by power of 2 as long as M grows, the ratio (E/M)² remains proportionally constant.


6.1.4. this creates a lot of GE, total-energy, which leads to the fact that there is an energy-push (!!!), which brings further strings "out of their sleep" and makes them become quanta etc. (see also PR 12-05-2023).


6.1.5 There is an explosion, the big bang ...


6.1.6. more and more matter is formed ...


6.1.7. the matter-building-process continues so long, until a majority of the (regionally) existing strings / quanta / protons / neutrons / nuclei / electrons ... have been converted into matter, "M".


6.1.8 With this matter "M" it remains (for the time being) since no further "M" can form for lack of further strings etc..


6.1.9 At this (limited) "M", nevertheless, extremely much additional energy has formed, in particular "dynamic energy", which is more powerful, than the pure Einstein energy. This "Dynamic Energy" looks for other forms of appearance than (only) "Matter" - i.e. e.g.: "Dark Matter" (see bullet point 6.) and "Dark Energy" (see bullet point 7.).


For the "other manifestations" listed under 6.1.9. we fall back again to the 1st equation.



7. dark matter


7.1 Dark matter is at first quite large (s.a. Wikipedia, 13.7 billion years ago: 63%). This results from the aspects that


7.1.1. matter was initially very concentrated


7.1.2. in the dynamics correlation the TIME-energy(-formula) was predominant (TIME: much M in the numerator, as well as relatively little E in the denominator - and SPACE: little E in the numerator and much M in the denominator)


7.1.3. first of all (3-D-)space had to be "won" first (with every M automatically - according to Einstein simultaneously - also space is created - but according to Einstein just only in the 3-D dimension - we add the 4-D dimension with our dynamics multiplier).


7.1.4. the (up to now "dark") surplus energies - the "4-D-energy"-dimensions, also arises immediately, their main force, however, is used for the initial expansion (big bang) its total force is (at first also because of the matter concentration ) ...


a) counterproductive, because the dynamic-multiplier at first, because of too much matter-concentration, is even smaller than 1 and the braking (TIME-)effect must be overcome first (with big-bang), to be able to achieve expansion-/(SPACE-)vortex-effect - and


b) at first relatively small as multiplier for the universe-total-energy. At the beginning there is not yet enough vortex-force, with which RAUM-force (Dark Energy) ...


a) can defend itself against its "suppression" by the TIME-force (Dark Matter). But this changes from the time after the Big Bang, when a) all matter has been created from the basic elements; b) the maximum GE for this Big Bang has been reached; and c) the effect of the Dynamic Multiplier becomes 1 or greater.




8 Dark Energy


8.1 Dark energy (primarily RAUM energy, E/M) is initially quite small. This results from the fact that...


8.1.1 Dark matter (primarily TIME-energy, M/E) is at first still quite large due to the matter concentration in the big bang process.


8.1.2 Enough energy must form first to be able to work against the force of the dark matter - and to be able to let arise first only enough 3-D-space, so that "real" matter can form for the left Einstein-simple-relativity-equation.


8.1.3 From the time, where at TIME (M/E) M is not divided by zero (E) any more, i.e. from the time, where some "dark matter-force" arises ...


a) not only the "time begins to tick" (for the real matter), starts an existence, where before there was a nothing at all (because M/zero is NOT) - AND


b) at the same time the space is created, which is needed for the formation of the matter (SPACE = E/M). As long as E is zero, zero/M is always only zero, no matter how much potential pre-matter particles (strings, quanta, electrons ...) prevail - without space no matter can be formed.


8.1.4 The more (pre-)matter-particles connect, the more energy is released. In a chain reaction of many connections, the big bang is created, which leads to the above mentioned 1st equation.


8.1.5 At the latest from now on the real fight between SPACE and TIME begins, "Dark Energy" against "Dark Matter", free-space against centralization. And while it stood before the big bang 0 to 100 for the TIME, it stood shortly after the big bang ... 5% (matter) to 32% (dark energy, SPACE) to 63% (dark matter, TIME) - and it stands today ... 4.6% (matter) to 72% (SPACE) to 23% (TIME). In the universe the SPACE, the freedom wins. This is also very desirable for the earth ...



8.2 At the latest from the time when the whole (pre-)matter has become matter, matter starts to decompose (u.v.a. super novas, "black holes" etc.). So, as humans build up to the 21st year of life more cells than old ones decompose, and from the 21st year of life more cells decompose than new ones build up - and with the latter begin to decompose energetically/physically.


8.2.1 Energy is released during decomposition. And one must ask where this energy remains. Because the total energy, GE, must remain constant - and ...


a) Einstein's Simple Relativity loses energy when matter becomes less;


b) TIME energy (M/E) weakens as less M is divided by more E; so all that remains is ...


c) The SPACE energy (E/M) becomes stronger. The energy released during the decrease of matter leads to a strengthening of the first part, the SPACE-energy, in the area of the Dynamic Multiplier. This also corresponds to reality - and is not only mathematical "gimmick".


8.2.2 The universe grows ...


a) ... at least "purely optically".


b) ... and in any case RAUM-Energetisch ...


c) ... but ev. the SPACE-energy-concentration, the stronger, more concentrated SPACE-energy-waves, leads to the fact that we think that the universe becomes faster and bigger than it is the case in the reality ...


d) ... maybe the "growing" and the violet coloration of (faster) moving away stars is only caused by the fact that the SPACE-waves become more concentrated - and we simply calculate wrong with our earthly meters and seconds ...


e) ... the VOIDs appear larger than all present calculations about the size of the universe - but perhaps an absolute vacuum has also only an optically magnifying magnifying glass effect ...


f) ... and ev. the u.E. opposite of the VOIDs, "black holes" is the inverted looking through a telescope - but in its energetic power just as strong and "big" as a VOID.


8.2.3 The one end of the universe


- is reached when all matter is decomposed,


- then Einstein's Simple Relativity is (almost) zero,


- then TIME is also (almost) zero - and


- then space is (almost) infinite.


8.2.4 And at zero then everything implodes.


- Infinity divided by zero is NOTHING.


- Instead of big bang there is an in-spe implosion.


8.2.5 But where is then the total energy, GE ?






9. the total universe - and the universal energy


The other "side" of the universe - and the total universe


9.1 The Anti-Energy


We find the other side of the universe, if we ...


"fly" through the black hole:

a.1. here we find e.g. also the anti-matter, that what from the matter


again to the pre-matter...


a.2. and if the total-energy on our current side of the universe becomes NOTHING, implodes, then there must be another kind of energy. Just as there is the anti-matter, there is also the anti-energy.



would look behind the big bang:

b.1. because there anti-matter has (had) accumulated and concentrated, which becomes new matter, if enough energy is added - like e.g. at the above mentioned In-Spe-Implosion, which lets the anti-energy become again "our" total-energy.


9.2 The Universal-Energy


Since there must be both kinds of energies, total-energy (GE) and anti-energy (AE) - and both "complement" and "fight" each other - there must be a superordinate consideration of energy. We call it Universal-Energy (UE).


9.3 For the a) total universe model, from the b) smallest particle to the total envelope and c) from the "beginning" to the "end", with d) all opposing forces and variables, as well as e) within the constant universal energy, we must extend our first formula above:



UE = GE + AE




10. the graphical conception


10.1 The vortex-storm


On our side of the "black hole" we live in the area of the whirlwind. Out of a big bang, a large part of matter is swirled further and faster, torn apart, torn apart, torn apart. Until at some point everything collapses. NOTHING becomes. Only SPACE (E/M) (ONLY vacuum since M is then = 0) is mathematically NOTHING.


10.2 The reverse vortex: a kind of water vortex


On the other side of the "black hole" matter is decomposed into its original components, its energy is squeezed out, so energetically squeezed out by the "dark matter" that sometime NOTHING exists any more. Only TIME (M/E) (ONLY concentrated material pressure, since E is then = 0) is mathematically NOTHING.


10.3 The center - and the always recurring new beginning - of the universe


The universe origin lies in the center of both "swirls":


10.3.1. in "our" area, the GE-area, the SPACE-energy from the big bang "sucks" and swirls the matter whirlwind-like and distributes it to the "top" and to the sides.


10.3.2. in the "other" area, the AE-area, the (almost) "NOTHING" of the SPACE area meets the (almost) NOTHING of the TIME area at the "outer sides of space". The momentum of the whirlwind-like energetic SPACE-rotation transfers its power in this outer area of the space to a momentum on the other side, on the TIME- resp. the anti-energy AE-side of the space. This momentum - in the outer area of the other universe side - leads to the fact that


- it also comes to a vortex in the AE-area


- this vortex, however, does not suck everything from the origin, from the big bang to itself into the outer area, but


- this vortex acts like a water vortex:


- it starts to bring all the anti-matter-particles (which have been created by black holes, super novas, star collisions etc.) into shear.


- as the TIME-force is also (anti-)matter oriented, the trend arises to bring more and more particles together, to concentrate (and to displace SPACE)



- the "water vortex" sucks more and more (anti-)particles from the outer areas to its center, and


- is looking for an area, where there is a hole in the system, to relieve the center of the "water vortex


- this hole would be created by an IN-Spe-explosion - the (renewed) big bang


- but for this is missing


a. the union of all "black holes" and


b. the energy to let all the pre-matter particles become matter




- the pressure (the amount of anti-energy) of the water vortex in the extensive area of the big bang point in the center of the universe becomes so large sometime that the necessary energy for the matter formation - at least to the half - would be ready, if then all black holes would come together to form a large universal black hole


- in the further course of the events the water vortex central point energy increases


a. On the one hand by the energy of the implosion of the RAUM or GE area in two ways:


a.1. the GE-energy triggers a further thrust on the AE-vortex


a.2. the previously existing counterforce of the SPACE now falls away. It is like removing the dupps in the bathtub. The water starts to flow out - to flow into the former GE- or RAUM-area - and the water vortex/vortex of the AE- or TIME-area is strengthened in its effect/force by this.


b. On the other hand it comes about by the implosion of the GE-area that:


b.1. space as such also collapses in the 3-D dimension


b.2. by the latter all black holes of all galaxies are pressed together and cause an enormous pressure, an enormous anti-matter-compression


b.3. by the pressure now also the last remainders of energy are pressed out, by which now also the dimension TIME (M/E) is finally eliminated in its exertion of power and


b.4. thus the strings charge up again evenly and can now come together again as a line and a circle, so that quanta, protons, electrons, molecules, (again) matter can come into being


- a new big bang arises - and everything starts again from the beginning


- SPACE and TIME are present from the pre-(primordial) beginning to the im-plosion end and ex-plosion new beginning.


10.4 The outer edge of the universe


That which unites both vortices at their outer borders is the NOTHING. Outside of the two vortex-energies, outside of the "energy-ball" of the universal-energy, there is NOTHING. The total universe floats like a ball in the nothing. This does not mean, however, that there are not - elsewhere in the outside nothingness - possibly nevertheless further similar universal energy constellations.


10.5 The course


The universe lives. Even if it dies. If our side implodes, then so much energy implodes that the other side of the "black hole" gets enough energy to form new matter again.


10.6 Universal energy:


The only constant is the universal energy.


The only constant is the universal energy.


The only constant is the universal cycle: a perpetual motion machine.




D. Peace in freedom and prosperity:


I publish excerpts of my books here, because I try to reach all people on this way, and to relativize all current escalations and wrong developments as senseless and avoidable - also without the obstacle of having to buy 4 books. The world urgently needs a new basis. I propose astronomy laws as a neutral basis - and I hope the world agrees to take this approach as a compromise. Because the way we are currently acting, we are destroying the world.


We have invented the formulas of TIME, SPACE, DARK MATERIAL, DARK ENERGY, DYNAMIC RELATIVITY, UR-KNALL, and the ALL-encompassing UNIVERSE FORMULA ... invented - and use them to optimize GLOBALONOMY: Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, Common Good & Sustainability and Climate & Environment - worldwide!


(See books: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy )



You are welcome to become a sponsor for our research:


Bank: N26

Account holder: Helmut Rasch

IBAN: DE60 1001 1001 2620 4685 75


Subject: world-wide-wealth




You are welcome to book me as a keynote-speaker - info via:




Thank you for your interest


world-wide-wealth - Helmut Rasch


Heubergredder 14 A

22297 Hamburg





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the visible universe ...

the invisible universe ...















PR - May 12th, 2023                                                                      

Cracked: The Total Formula of the Universe


The Universal Universe Formula, by Helmut Rasch (Albert Bright) from .




1. Short presentation:


                                  E         M

GE = ( E = M * c² ) * ( -----  :  ----- )

                                  M        E


GE:    Total Energy

E :   Energy

M :   (total) Matter and Semi-Matter (as well Quantum, Electron, String …)

E = M * c²   :    Simple Relativity of Einstein, slightly amplified

E / M :   (energetic) Space or “Room” (but not the meaning of “chambre”)

M / E :   (energetic) Time

E/M : M/E  :   „Velocity“, (energetic) space by time.


2. Short plausibility:


a. The energy determined by Einstein from matter is static and explains 5% of the universe forces.

b. However, the universe is dynamic - and the explanations of 95% of all forces were missing.

c. With the SPACE and TIME formulas which we discovered, we have decoded/changed/refuted various unknown aspects in the last PR-articles (up to now, only in German, sorry): dark energy, dark matter, super nova, black holes, gravitation, gravitational waves, curved space, up to strings and Big Bang explanation … from a new perspective.

d. The universe is dynamic, so the formula must have dynamics. Since we were able to explain various things in detail with the space and time forces, we added these forces in our overall formula of the universe. Space divided by time is commonly defined as "velocity" (which is also just a force, after all), satisfying dynamics as an overall formula criterion.

e. Our space and time formulas are (however) about energetic dimensions, which help to determine the missing energies.

f. Although it is obvious to calculate space and time within the second bracket - and to provide the second bracket with a power of two - space and time are shown separately, because only in this way their effect in different environments (universe edge with dominating space energy - versus black hole with dominating time-energy) can be presented in a differentiated way. In this way, further plausibility can be better presented:

g. Energy: The total energy of the universe, GE, now results from Einstein's material energy in his simple-relativity-formula (left bracket) multiplied by the energy in the denominator of the multipli-catively linked space-energy formula and multiplied by the energy in the numerator of the dividing linked time-energy formula. These energies are shown here as "equal" and multiplied to give E³. Since material energy has the "value" 5% (or more precise numbers vary from 4.9 to 4.6) of all energies, we first calculate 4.9 * 4.9 * 4.9 = 118 . However, the 4.9 are just one estimation and must be put into perspective so that the above formula does not result in more than 100% energy: 100% results from 4.643%, which comes very close to other calculations with 4.6 as the result. The fact is: By taking our space and time formulas into account, the currently (only) extrapolated but technical  formula-missing 95% of the forces are now broken down and integrated in our formula.

h. Matter. The total amount of matter remains constant in the breakdown of the overall formula, which is also in line with the current state of research.

i. The forces of space and time vary depending on the proportion of matter or the distance from accumulations of matter.

j. The universe is growing faster than current mathematics can calculate. Dark energy has a lot to do with space, which is why we assign the 72% value (Wikipedia) to our space formula.

k. Our time formula has a lot to do with matter (specially when being close to it), which is why we assign it the power of dark matter, 23% value (Wikipedia).

l. Space/time, 72/23 add up to 3.13, which is very close to pi (3.14), bringing our formula additions (space and time) close to known mathematics - and the rotation of the universe (in-)directly flows into our overall formula aspects.


Further explanations will follow.


Best regards

Helmut Rasch (Albert Bright)



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PR message 10-05-2023                                                              

The Big Bang - THE Breakthrough: The Time and Space Formulas
The Time and Space Formulas are the decoding breakthrough for Black Holes and Big Bang - as before for Dark Energy and Dark Matter!

The breakthrough ... The decoding of the big bang ... .

Since one cannot observe the big bang by chance somewhere again, one must go the reverse way to find potential causes. One must try to divide what is there, e.g. matter, into its components to find possibly something what could have given the impulse to the big bang which then has led to this matter.

Building sites which one can look at for this are for example: Super-Novas and "black holes".


With super novas the science argues with gravitation as cause. And if it ends as only fragmented matter or reduced to quasar size, science does not deliver more than Einstein's "Simple Relativity": matter became energy. But if a super nova develops to a "black hole", it becomes again interesting for cause research. And here the science has no well-founded solution so far.
And where no solution is visible, one takes gladly the aid of the gravity which we have degraded however in the previous article on auxiliary construction level - and have replaced by RAUM and TIME energy formulas. So why not to explain super-novas with SPACE and TIME, then to try to explain "black holes" with this - and then to penetrate deeper into cause-research.

Super-Novas are quickly to explain with SPACE and TIME energies. Like we have already straightened Einstein's curved space in the previous article. The light beam of a star which is behind another star is not bent outward by space curvature of the "other" star, but by SPACE energy concentration which continuously increases further away from the star - and light, photons, tend to space to move faster. And gravitation should have attracted the beam. Neither Newton's gravity nor Einstein's space-curvature-gravity substitute is correct.

The RAUM and TIME formulas, should now help us to explain a super nova. If it succeeds, it would be a logical further "hike" to the detail on our way from the clarification of the "dark energy" (RAUM force) over the clarification of the "dark matter" (rather TIME force) to the clarification of the super nova - and further to the clarification of "black holes" to find causes for a big bang.


What happens during a super nova? The hydrogen of a star decomposes to more and more matter - and gives off a lot of energy (solar steel effect). According to Einstein, a star gets the energy for its whole existence at its formation. Existence? TIME! At the beginning the TIME formula has much energy in the denominator - and little matter in the numerator. (At the birth of a child exists in the body disproportionately much energy - and only little matter weight on the scales). In the course of the star life the sun develops more and more matter - and the hydrogen and the energy decrease. The decomposing effect of the TIME formula increases. (The cell growth of a human being goes up to the 20th year of life - after that more cells die than new ones are added). The star forms more and more matter - and has less and less energy. If our sun grows on the 4-fold of its present size, an imbalance between energy and matter develops, the sun implodes in the context of a super nova - in 5 billion years. (The energy of a human being decreases, the older he becomes. At some point the body does not manage to keep all organs well supplied with blood and healthy. When our remaining energy becomes too small compared to the mass of the body, we die). If the M in the numerator of the TIME-formula of the respective matter (or of the human being) becomes "too big to survive" - and "below the line", in the denominator of the TIME-formula the energy tends to zero (becomes powerless), it comes to the collapse: (no matter which) NUMBER divided by ZERO, "leads to NOTHING", to the collapse, to the super-NET. , to the collapse, to the super nova.

All this has nothing to do with Newton's gravity nor with Einstein's space curvature. It is about the energy or force (or weakness) from our TIME formula - and "on the other side" of our correlation: about our SPACE formula. Because the stronger TIME becomes, the weaker RAUM must become. Stars are destroyed at Super-Novas not only by too much TIME-energy-quantity, but also by RAUM-energy-deficiency. Without SPACE (too little energy in the numerator - and too much matter in the denominator, result in ZERO of SPACE force. And without space no matter is possible (4-D-energy as well as 3-D-spatial). hole

But for the decoding of the big bang further thoughts must take place, than "only" the usual end of mass in super novas. What happens in black holes? Can solutions be found also here with RAUM and TIME formulas? And can the energy, which is squeezed out of the matter there, possibly come back later and cause an initial ignition, which can re-initiate a new big bang! Can the remainders or remainders-forces of the matter-destructions by black holes reveal more information than what its predecessor, super-nova, could show us? And more, than what CERN or DESY could show up to now?

The thoughts to the replacement of the GRAVITATION by the SPACE-TIME CORRELATION led us also to the analysis of the BLACK HOLE. However, also we excluded - the "GRAVITATION" - as one of the potentially there ruling forces - both in principle (see above) and in fact, because: This phenomenon devours many stars and planets with much "gravitation"; In the course of the time an immense - everything swallowing - "gravitation" should have developed there. However, this is not the case. Because otherwise there would be most likely many galaxies no more at all.
To the explanation attempts of a black hole we add now another one: our SPACE-TIME-Energy correlation:

2.1 What happens outside the black hole?

a) Black holes are created e.g. by a super nova, by the im-&-explosion of a super star. Shortly before a super-nova, there was extremely much TIME-energy-force (and too little SPACE-energy-force) at this super-star. There was too glaring a disproportion between the mass of the star and the residual energy of the star*. This ratio leads to a blatant increase of the destructive TIME-energy (M/E) and to the displacement of the constructive SPACE-energy (E/M). Too little space for too much mass leads to implosion.
*(multiplied with c² this mass could represent again its original energy - and continue to exist instead of collapsing, this is however not here at present to the debate).


((Again briefly sketched in detail:
a.Typically this extreme difference between TIME and SPACE forms in the center of galaxies, because the TIME-energy in the center is the greatest here by its "feeding" by all matters/masses of the total galaxy.
b.The counter of the time formula accesses in the galaxy center to the total M in the galaxy. With this big M it displaces the space-energy-effect (almost) completely
c.Naturally, the mass-concentration/space-displacement force of TIME at a star itself also becomes larger and larger, if the star becomes larger and larger in the course of the "materialization" of the hydrogen. More and more M in the numerator and less and less E in the denominator steadily increase the TIME force. At some point it comes by crushing, to the implosion. If this should not lead completely to a black hole, it comes to a quasar, whose rest-energy is pressed out over jets, until also the quasar perishes.
d.The interaction of a., b. and c. leads to the collapse of "weakened" stars.
e.Since additionally the star-own SPACE-energy as well as the SPACE-energy from the galaxy(s)-spanning TIME-SPACE-CORRELATION are here very small, a weak star lacks here also the balancing of the SPACE for the survivability in the (space) of its environment in its galaxy.
f.It comes to a decomposition of the matter, to an implosion of the star, and with the decomposition to the release of the still existing rest-energies. It comes to a super nova. And to a black hole, if it was a super star.
g.So it's not about a gravitational force, which attracts everything - from the inside out - but about a TIME force, which crushes everything - from the outside in - also, because the space force can't compensate here (anymore)).

b) Also the surrounding planets/stars of the black hole ( or more pictorial: bathtub-foam-bubbles ) are "catapulted" by (the water-pressure of a full bathtub into the water-whirlpool to the bathtub-drain) the NON-evolution of the time-energy and the SPACE-displacement into the black hole and their matter is destroyed (opposite the whirlpool-forces water-bubbles are powerless).

c) The decomposition energy is squeezed out into the space (bubble air deflagrates in the bathroom).

2.2 What happens inside the black hole?

2.2.1. previous research results say:

d) Molecules become electrons, protons and neutrons, the latter two each become quanta and all, finally, two basic types (circle and dash) of strings.

e) In the final phase remain mass-less(!) circle- and dash-strings, indispensably always 2 different - and correlated with each other.

f) The current theories for the purpose of development of an overall formula define one of the strings with "gravity" ("Since it is there, although it doesn't fit into an overall formula, it is interpreted mathematically ..."). Statement of an astronomy elementary particle professor) and the other with an existence energy - from a point (is mathematically defined as NOTHING) a (further) stroke (string) is made ...

2.2.2 Our approach states:

g) We define both strings as energetic: one is TIME-energy, the other is SPACE-energy, correlated with each other indispensably !!!! - and eliminating the gravitational approaches.

h) In this most original form, both strings are partly differently powerful and partly equally powerful (equally powerful means: TIME: M/E = 1 and SPACE E/M = 1, with which its correlation (space X time = 1) is achieved: 1 X 1 = 1 - ... or Y x Z = 1. In case of inequality, nevertheless, a 1 must result, in order to have a first dimension, an existence: 0,1 * 10 = 1 goes also ... )

i) Strings are 2 points defined as strokes, which are opposite to each other. One of the strokes is time (the line) and the other stroke is space (the circle). However, both are linked in the 2nd dimension. In the 1st dimension (from left to right) of the equation Y x Z = 1, one does not see the aspects of the 2nd dimension behind each of the parameters. Behind the first variable, Y, space is hidden, i.e. E/M. Behind the second variable, Z, hides time, thus M/E. These energies of TIME and SPACE are remaining residual energies from the matter particles "squeezed out" before. There is a plus at one string and a minus at another string. Both attract each other and remain together.




3. big bang

3.1 Preconditions inside the black hole

j) Only if SPACE and TIME (thus also E and M) are equal, only then a quantum can be created. This can happen here or there - or today or tomorrow. Space and time of this quantum emergence are left to chance.

k) If SPACE or TIME do not agree (but nevertheless, by multiplication - e.g.: 0.1 X 10 - a 1 result - and with it "only" their existence precondition fulfill) no quantum can originate. If they agree SPACE and TIME can show a 1 each, a "balanced" quantum can come into being (just as an atom (mass) can come into being only by "balanced" protons, electrons and neutrons). If now several quanta come together, neutrons or/and protons can arise, which together with electrons can form atoms again - and the latter again the most different materials.

l) However, in an area dominated by TIME-force, as it is the case in a black hole, it is clear that the force behind the SPACE-strings will be very small (e.g. 0.1) - and that of the TIME-strings will be very large (e.g. 10).

m) A black hole would have to be, if the SPACE strings were bigger, also much bigger. Without RAUM energy, however, a black hole remains limited to a minimum.

3.2 Preconditions outside the black hole

n) Last paragraph, however, considers only the more concrete mass-formation process - but not the environment. And the environment is 95% (23% dark matter and 72% dark energy) more important, than the matter (5%) itself.

o) If it comes to it by some coincidence that some energy gets "behind the scenes" (behind the "surface" of the black hole), ...

p) ... then in the whole ENVIRONMENT (and not only at the above mentioned matter-formation) the SPACE-string becomes stronger (and the TIME-string weaker).

q) The necessary energy could be e.g. so-called "solar winds" (which can arise quite from the energy squeezed out before). However, it is also conceivable that the "black hole" is spatially stretched apart by a faster rotation of the galaxy and thus indirectly a SPACE energy arises which also strengthens the SPACE strings. Energy supply weakens a black hole (because it, vice versa, has become stronger by energy squeezing out of the matters) just as energy supply weakens "dark matter" (example in astronomy exhibition of the museum for work, Hamburg) (and there then the planets could circulate faster). Behind both aspects is the strengthening of the RAUM force of our RAUM formula (R = E/M).

r) The RAUM-string-strengthening necessary for the big bang (mass-formation) in the TIME-string dominated black hole must take place by an external and extremely strong energy which can "dearalize" at the same time also the environment to the black hole if quanta for the emergence of protons and neutrons and parallel the corresponding electrons "should" form a mass (molecule) which needs now once also RAUM for its existence.

s) And everything must happen (if Einstein's formula is valid) parallel, because otherwise, in the equation the energy does not correspond to the (new) mass.

t) The necessary multiplier, which is required for the conversion of the strings to finally molecules and mass, in order to make "m" possible - i.e. to make RAUM available also for matter, and not only for (quasi) RAUM-less strings and quanta - this multiplier is by a multiple larger, than the "c" of Einstein's simple relativity theory, where it is "only" about the mass, without considering the RAUM.

u) Hereby I relativize Einstein into area, into which he did not want: Quantum- and probably also not string-theory ...

v) Einstein has discovered with his multiplier constant "c" "only" (sorry) the hidden basis for the matter formation, but not the chain of action behind this "constant", because he was not interested in quanta.

w) And Einstein has also not discovered the necessary environment around this constant, so that this constant can act at all. Einstein discovered a multiplier which represents only (sorry) 5% of the universe energies - and everything else is excluded.

x) His Simple Relativity is true only with a multiplier which can explain "only" matter, but not the elementary environment for matter formation, i.e. Dark Matter and Dark Energy. For the last both aspects Einstein lacked our formulas of TIME and SPACE.

y) All the (mass-less) strings collected over year-billions can now (with equality of TIME and SPACE) form new quanta, neutrons, protons, electrons, atoms, molecules and matter within the scope of a chain reaction by fusions. This occurs on string level first under absorption of random/solar wind energy - and later with fusions to mass particles under release of much (this first taken over solar wind energy) energy, which leads to a (renewed - possibly also regional) big bang.

z) The conflict from the aspect: Without SPACE, no matter and also no big bang - and without matter no (Einstein-)-energy - and without (Einstein-)energy neither matter nor (Albert Bright-)- SPACE and -TIME - is thus solved by the matter-less TIME- and SPACE-strings - in the smallest up to the big ... and - in the big - supplemented, because now, with SPACE- and TIME-energies the remaining 95% of the energies - those 5% discovered by Einstein - supplement.

The BLACK PIT, which began with a disproportionate TIME-energy-concentration (and SPACE-energy-deficiency) as extreme-correlation - and began to destroy everything, is reversed by an accidental energy-supply (like e.g. by "solar winds") in favor of SPACE-energy - and by means of a kind of big bang it comes to the new formation of matter and galaxies.

This takes place similarly in the big one, as in the small one. Because ...
-new stars are also formed, if solar winds blow neutron accumulations together
-If the universe should collapse after an energetic expansion (4-D-Space-Energy at the expense of inferior TIME- and MATERIAL-Energy) for any reasons, then there is again the justified hope by the implosion energy that a renewed big bang will lead again to a new beginning. Thanks to SPACE and TIME.



4. the big bang in humans.

What knowledge can we as humans gain from the Big Bang? (Text from the book AstronEfficiencyOnomy).

Ever believed in a good idea? Of course! Then you know the great happiness feeling, which trivializes everything material around it.

Ever had your own extraordinarily good idea? Then you know this feeling of suddenly having a solution for something that has been bothering you for a long time. Suddenly, after jogging or/and while showering or in the middle of the night out of "the blue" the solution is there. Suddenly the fog is gone - and you see quite clearly. Why didn't you think of it before? You slap the flat of your palm against your head. And suddenly your heart starts pumping. And in the stomach a feeling of happiness sets in, like with the first love. You feel warm and a little dizzy. You want to sit down or lie down on the beach or on the bench and just look at the sky. And then your head starts again with messages. What can you do with it?! Now come further thoughts, what else is connected with it. Now you have to start writing down quickly, otherwise all ideas and cross thoughts will be gone again. What was the original idea again? You get a fright. It can't be true! It was just there. Ah, yes! Now I've got it again. I quickly write it down in order. While I write with my right hand, my left hand automatically lifts. As if the body notices that the right hand cannot write as fast as the ideas come - and asks the left hand for a little less speed. The hand almost writes automatically, because the brain is already somewhere else. Scribbling. Hopefully I will be able to read it all again later. Hopefully I will still know later what I meant with this abbreviation and that keyword. Quickly a drawing, in order to get the connection more clearly. I am completely absorbed. I don't see what's happening around me. I'm not interested either. I just write. Now and here. I have to do it. Otherwise everything is gone again. And then, after about half an hour - or was it three hours? - the thoughts subside. I start spinning in my keis. Old thoughts sometimes still mix with new ones. But a lot just keeps coming back. Repetitions consolidate. I slice up many things nevertheless, because they become clearer from another perspective - or open up something additional. But yes, I get a little tired. And yes, I have the feeling of being something like empty, like drained. As if I had just run a marathon. And my mind and gaze open up again a bit to the surroundings. As if I am looking for further thoughts or peace in the surroundings. I don't know what. Doesn't matter. But nothing comes. Where am I actually? Oh yes, I went for a walk. And now I'm sitting here on the lawn. And my head is empty. Exhausted. Fortunately, I have everything written down! I skim through it quickly. Simply because I want to make sure once again what it was all about - and that I have written it down safely. I don't understand everything at the moment - but I know that I will be able to understand it again when I look at it more intensively later. And my head is emptying more and more. I'm starting to relax and enjoy myself. I think I've made a big step forward. And that is a very nice feeling.

And then come the sobering experiences that every creative person goes through when they keep fighting for their idea despite opposition:
1. no one is interested;
2. the idea is ridiculed
3. the idea is ignored
4. the idea is fought against
5. the idea is taken for granted ...

(Attention!) An idea is only a driver if it moves something. The something does not have to be the astronomical "m" from Einstein's simple relativity. It can also be the outdated knowledge from the books of the library. But so that something "moves", one must also fight for his ideas. Without ideas, the "m" moves only little - although according to Newton also matter tends to move. But if it is possible to find multipliers with the forces of Einstein's "c²", then enormous things can be accomplished - but only if one fights for it, just as Einstein, despite his genius, had to fight very much for his ideas - against the "established" at that time and its advocates.

And what are the "driving forces" behind an idea and behind the will to push this idea also? Can the universe possibly offer solutions also for this? To some extent in any case. By looking at the formula for the driver "velocity" one wins quite good realizations. And why should matter and energy in the brain of a human being function differently than matter and energy according to our discovered SPACE, TIME and "driver" EFFICIENCY formulas of the universe? The universe determines us - and not vice versa.
Openness for the new begins in one's own head. One must have "space" free (free-space, free-time) and a basis (see also thoughts to a basis in the book AstronZeitOnomie) to develop something new. And one must open a lot of "space", have a curious brain, to acquire something new. You have to have a large knowledge base to be able to develop something new. Un-knowing know everything - knowing know little. And one needs time (as free space) to listen to and acquire something new. As "driven" as we are in today's society, it is difficult to establish new things through the "normal" "scientific institutions". If we continue to "submit" to the "dictates" of material, time, limited capital (at least for "normal" projects) and the nowadays extremely limited and limiting "status quo" of the "knowledge institutions" (UNIs, Profs), we will never become as efficient as the universe. The "knowledge" outside the universities increases by courageous (reputation-resistant) researchers by 100% every 2 years. The professorship positions, however, do not! The "Bottleneck", the bottleneck of not yet "officially recognized knowledge" is by a multiple bigger, than still the church could prevent any other interpretation of its message. Mankind urgently needs better "knowledge institutions" than our outdated university and professor "standards". Fortunately there are institutions, like the patent office for "material" inventions - and further institutions for well-founded ideas (however with somewhat less significance than a patent). But:

"Humankind" urgently needs a new system for the "verification" of ideas - or/ and a completely new system of living together or doing business - without having to live from one's own ideas or innovations immediately, without an almost all dominating profit orientation. Because otherwise many ideas and driver effects are lost for lack of "space", "time" and "basis".

Humankind is more and more time-driven - which is also caused by MATERIAL(LLE) orientation. But the orientation to energetic SPACE and TIME dimensions is - also in humans - much more fundamental to become more efficient and happier.

Astronomy has been showing us for 13.8 billion years that 4-D SPACE and TIME energy (95% of all energy forces) are more important than 3-D matter and geographical dimenions (5% of all energy forces).

We should optimize the conditions for many human primordial bangs to increase prosperity on Earth instead of dictatorial colonialist and warlike inferior material territorial gains. Astronomy provides a good basis for a neutral new world order.

Cooperate with us for a better world. Spread these thoughts to your community.

Thank you - and best regards

Helmut Rasch / Albert Bright.



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Short description
The TIME and SPACE formulas consistently decode many previously unknown aspects in the universe: Starting with the much dominating "Dark Energy" (72% of all energy), over "Dark Matter" (23% of all energy) and "Black Holes" - and further over "Matter" (5% of all energy), and its components, like electrons, protons, neutrons, quanta, strings, which are used to set up the new Big Bang Theory - and a new universe model - with the TIME and SPACE formulas.

Company description
In world-wide-wealth we develop solutions for a better world. For this we invent new ways and formulas. The inventions of the formulas for TIME, SPACE and DYNAMIC RELATIVITY were breakthroughs, not only for astronomy, but, using them, now also in the context of GlobalOnomy for, among others, Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, Common Good & Sustainability and Climate & Environment - worldwide- and thus also for the 17 UN-SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. And our results can put all current crises into perspective, mitigate and solve them.

Big bang,Black holes,Dark matter,Dark energy,Breakthrough,Gravity,Time formula,Space formula,Matter,Energy,Super nova,Electrons,Protons,Neutrons,Quanta,Strings.







Gravity is dead - long live the space-time-correlation

And on the basis of astronomy GLOBALONOMY arises - an urgently needed better           WORLD ORDER to save our world sustainably.


The optimization of the urgently needed new world order based on astronomy by means of another new approach. A focus based on the previous article on deciphering "dark matter" among other things:

A. The elimination of the gravitation - by the invention of the space-time correlation
B. Correlations for a better new world order

A.The elimination of the gravitation - by the invention of the space/time correlation
Gravitation, as the 4th universe "force", has always disturbed everywhere. Most of all in the until recently unknown force of the "DARK MATTER" (see decoding contribution 1st quarter 2023 on this platform).

Albert Einstein has extremely optimized Newton's gravitation theory with his "general relativity theory" (even if - according to Stephen Hawking - most astronomers continue to calculate with Newton's formula for the sake of simplicity). Nevertheless: Neither Newton nor Einstein's formulas can explain the DARK MATTER, so that an essential aspect of gravity is not considered in their formulas. Because while both focus on the 5% of the "directly involved" matter (and "exclude" e.g. with "gravitational constant" the annoying/non-explainable effects) the "environment" of the unknown "gravity" is 23% strong, and thus almost 5 times as relevant, as the "findings" from both formulas.
But also until today, until deep into the matter-analyses, up to quanta, electrons and strings, where gravitation is to be integrated (without final clarification) into the theory of a generally valid formula (s.a. Timo Weigand, "Insights into string-theory and quantum-gravity" i.R.v. ""Wie alles Begann" lecture in the "Museum für Arbeit"), no clear definition of gravitation succeeded.

In our decoding contribution (PR 1st quarter 2023, on this platform) we have focused on the "gravity" of the "DARK MATTER" - and presented solutions by our SPACE and TIME formulas - and its correlation. In this current contribution we want to penetrate from the "superordinate" to the "more specific" - and to cross the previous "gravitation-ideas", to "bury" them as such, to let them disappear in the universe - and to replace them with "TIME- SPACE VARIABLES". Many aspects speak for this:

1. gravity is energy
I did not think that my first thoughts on gravity and relativity from 2014 would help me in 2019 to be able to redefine gravity with new insights (Astronomic Solutions, Albert Bright, 2014, ISBN 978-0-9930836-0-0, British Library): Gravity as a force can be just as large/strong as Einstein's force from matter. G = E. Everything is relative.

2. universe energy results only to 5% from matter.
Einstein's constant "c", can explain "only" 5% of the universe energy, because Einstein in his "Simple Relativity Theory" only ... (and with his "General Relativity Theory" primarily ... ) on the material "on the spot".

3. "TIME" and "SPACE" (both in the energetic! dimension) dominate 95% of all forces in the universe (and in the economy ... ).
By the relativization and dynamization of Einstein's constant "c", which can explain "only" 5% of the universe energy, we succeed in the explanation of the remaining 95% of the "so far" (until 2014 or 2019) "unknown" forces.
With the invention of the TIME formula (AstronTimeOnomy Solutions, Albert Bright, 2014, British Library, ISBN 978-0-9930836-5-5) the breakthrough into new universe dimensions succeeds.
The first correlation approach to economics (Astron-Economic Solutions, Albert Bright, 2014, British Library, ISBN 978-0-9930836-2-4) gives us the first breakthrough from astronomy to economics.
The breakthrough of the RAUM formula succeeds in 2019 (AstronSpaceOnomy Solutions, Albert Bright, 2019, tredition GmbH, ISBN 978-3-7497-1696-8). Here also the verification of time and space formulas succeeds - as well as the transfer of many correlations to the economy.
Space and time, in turn, were the basis for deciphering, among other things, dark matter gravity.

4. TIME and SPACE always work in correlation - and are an extremely effiziient energy duo.
In AstronEfficiencyOnomy, Albert Bright, 2019, tredition GmbH, ISBN 978-3-7497-9467-6 we present the correlation of SPACE and TIME - and its efficient effects. With their correlations, we also explained DARK MATERIAL and DARK ENERGY, among others, in 2019.
Both, TIME and SPACE are energetic forces. And since they explain the DARK "MATTER", which has similar effects, like matter - and with it gravity -, gravity would have to have also energetic components. Hereby our findings from 1. (see above) are verified!
However, the current mathematical astronomical equations to gravitation do not contain energetic aspects - that's why gravitation can be integrated so difficult into other formula patterns.

5. DARK MATTER (SPACE&TIME CORRELATION) relevance (23%) replaces GRAVITATION relevance (5%)
However, if gravity is energetic - and energetic TIME and SPACE correlation can explain gravity in the form of DARK MATTER (which accounts for 23% of the universe's energetic forces unknown until 2019) ... doesn't it then make sense to replace the presently usual gravitation formulas (which can calculate only 5% of the energetic forces of the universe) by the SPACE/TIME CORRELATIONS??!!!!
The new (Be-)calculations should become less complicated - and nevertheless more exact - than the old ones. With Newton (in order to calculate more simply) the gravitational constant will be unnecessary, since with use of the new SPACE-TIME correlation as calculation variables now the forces unknown before must not be "bridged" any more with fictitious (gravitational) constants. And one also doesn't need any more 2 masses to determine a gravity between both, one can determine the gravitational effect of every single star/planet.
The respective masses for the gravity calculation must be calculated anyway. And the energy-quantity necessary for the calculation of the space and time formulas from the respective masses, one can calculate quickly with Einstein's simple relativity theory to determine at least an approximate value with the "regional" (galaxy) constellation. (The total SPACE/TIME correlation influences of all surrounding stars or/and galaxies are then already somewhat more complex ...).

The calculations to the decreasing effect of the TIME within the SPACE-TIME CORRELATION the further one moves away from the star/planet are still pending. Nevertheless, if GRAVITATION fails as a cause of space curvature, there must be a new explanation. There is:
In the vicinity of a star/planet, the TIME formula prevails in correlation with SPACE. The further one moves away from the star/planet, the more the SPACE waves displace the TIME waves.
Since TIME has more of a "matter-related orientation/effect/force" - and SPACE has more of a freer one, an effect like a vacuum, full of energy, it is clear that the photons of a light beam tend more to the freer side as they pass a star/planet.
The experiment with a laser beam beamed directly through a wall hole, but where some of the beams nevertheless drift to the side to get through side holes (near the main hole) to get faster as photon mass through a resistor wall with holes, shows exactly the same effect as just described in the top paragraph.

7. gravitational waves could be also TIME-SpACE CORRELATION waves ...#

8. faster course with energy supply
The experimental model to DARK MATTER in the astronomy exhibition in the museum of the work in Hamburg shows also that under energy(!) addition the dark matter can be influenced so that then the planets can fly faster.
Also here must exist an energy affinity of the "gravity" which is not contained in the present formulas.
If planets fly faster, they overcome many RAUM waves in shorter time. They become more un-dependent on the TIME-braking of the star around which they fly. If energy is added, they can fly faster around the star and they make a more distant path around their star. Both speak for the fact that our time and space formulas, as well as the time-space correlation are more coherent, than present gravity formulas - particularly since the effect of the time-space correlation of the dark matter exceeds that of the star gravity by a multiple.

B.Correlations for a better new world order
Correlations of the SPACE-TIME-CORRELATION versus GRAVITATION for a new and better world order.

I. In many of my SUBMITTAL CONSULTATIONS, one of my recipes for success was/is the question-combination:
a.What are the brakemen?
b.What are the drivers?

II. in the development of a new and better (astronomy-based) WORLD ORDER, I have recognized CAPITAL as one of the cross-system brakemen (see also book: AtronZeitOnomie). In my new more sustainable world order model "GlobalOnomie" I have therefore ...
a.CAPITAL reduced to a minimum, and ... astronomy-based TIME-concept, "LAZEB" (LebensArbeitsZeitEinheitenBonus - LifeWorkTimeUnitsBonus) for every human being on his account/mobile device introduced (also stars get the energy for their entire existence at their formation).
a.the HAVEN-oriented and not(!) sustainable CAPITAL model by a ...
b.the Maslow-needs-pyramid inverting (all humans become transcendent - in the non-religious sense), sustainable, general welfare-increasing, the BEING-possible life/world-order-model.

III. also in my use and further development of the WORLD ORDER I have looked for brakemen and drivers:
i.Gravitation is in the current formulas a force, which pulls everything to itself, which makes a star grow more and more - and which then destroys everything in the context of a super nova or/and black hole.
b. "DARK" ENERGY (dark is not meant negatively but as unknown)
i.Dark energy is (was) the biggest (unknown) force in the universe, which I could decode by my SPACE-TIME CORRELATION invention (like also dark matter).
ii.Dark energy I have therefore chosen as a driver (to be decoded), because it makes 73% of the (until 2019 still unknown) universe energies - and makes sure that the universe grows since 13.8 billion years, still grows, grows faster and faster and grows with less crises in percentage than the earth of the so-called "Homo-Sapiens".
a.Centralized power / gravity
i.Greed for power disturbs also in the world much - tends to everything!
ii.So stupid - like the "Homo-Sapiens" the universe can't be actually.
iii.Therefore it was a big concern for me to find something better than gravitation - to find something what leads the gravitation altogether ad absurdum,
iv.I succeeded in the latter with the invention of the SPACE-TIME-CORRELATION and its environment
b.Energetic size
i.To be a genius is what even "great" power-hungry mighty still extremely long for.
ii.BEING (something special) is even in the highest circles of the world society more important than HAVING the material goods accumulated by them. Because ...
... the HAVING can perish, why more and more POWER is necessary to "protect" or/and to "destroy" competing - until everything collapses, because of too strong overloads of one or/and both sides - the taking side or/and the taken side.
... the BEING is an inner value, is knowledge, is real genius, which is according to opinion of 99% of all philosophers the essential happiness feeling of humans - and rather does good for the general public - in contrast to the egoistic HAVING, where rather bad for the general public arises.
iii.You don't need territories as a human/nation to feel better or safer. The size of the brain is limited - and nevertheless one can become happier, if one learns a lot and becomes in an area ideally even genius - happier, than if one must defend a "conquered" "area" or "thing" always against all(s).
iv.Up to now all megalomaniac conquering powers have always collapsed. This also has a lot to do with astronomy laws, which is why we would like to recommend astronomy as the better basis for a new world order.

We urgently need a rethinking and a better world order. We recommend astronomy as a basis. In our books AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy and AstronEfficiencyOnomy, we lay foundation stones and now, due to the overall dire environment - with the summaries of our findings and their PR publication on many platforms - we promote a generalist push of our GLOBALONOMY model to achieve peace, freedom, sustainability and prosperity - and to save our world.

Best regards and success
Helmut Rasch (Albert Bright)

For more information see also www . world-wide-wealth . com


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Brief description
We urgently need a change of thinking and a better world order. We recommend astronomy as a basis. In our books AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy and AstronEfficiencyOnomy we lay foundations and now, due to the overall dire environment - with the summaries of our findings and their PR publication on many platforms - we promote a generalist push of our GLOBALONOMY model to achieve peace, freedom, sustainability and prosperity - and to save our world.

Company Description
In world-wide-wealth we develop solutions for a better world. For this purpose we invent new ways and formulas. The inventions of the formulas for TIME, SPACE and DYNAMIC RELATIVITY were breakthroughs, not only for astronomy, but, using them, now also in the context of GlobalOnomy for, among others, the economy and sustainability, also those of the 17 UN-SDGs, the sustainability goals of the United Nations. And our results can relativize, mitigate and solve all current crises.

World Order,Capital,Gravity,Power,Time Formula,Space Formula,TimeSpaceCorrelation,Peace,Freedom,Sustainability,Prosperity,Save the World







Press release - 1st quarter 2023 


GlobalOnomie - The New World Order - On AstroNomy-Basis


The world is collapsing - also by the fight of the systems.
We propose a neutral unification basis: Astronomy.


High time for a new world order: GlobalOnomie - on AstroNomie basis.

The world breaks down. Especially economic crises, climate catastrophes and the struggle of systems are increasingly destroying the world.

We propose a neutral unification basis: Astronomy - because the universe grows since 14 billion years with %tual less big crises. And this growth is primarily energetic and not material.

An experiment in the current exhibition about astronomy "How everything began" in the "Museum of the work" in Hamburg, is to help to prove our founded astronomy know-how in theory and practice. Also and especially this exhibition "walk" shall underpin our competence to question and optimize existing status quo know-how. Thus you can trust our astronomy aspects, as a basis for a new world order. And also the transfer to e.g. economy (GlobalOnomy) succeeds through well-founded expertise in theory and practice. Last not least we would like to offer with our solutions at the above-mentioned practical example among other things the "dark matter" now to the science "templates", in order to add our inventions to the status quo - and u.v.a. also to let the "Dark Matter" now appear "bright" - and also to end the mystical, mysterious, mysterious cult, which is operated in point of "time" (Stephen Hawking: "Only time(whatever that may be) will tell.")x4 and "space" (Lee Smolin: "Nothing is more commonplace than space, but if we examine it more closely, there is nothing more mysterious.")x5 

The above experiment shows how the unknown "dark matter" works. However, one doesn't know (knew up to now ...) why - i.e.: which forces are hidden behind it. This experiment is (beside the verification of our formulas on basis of status-quo-formulas and -experiments, which we have listed in the books mentioned below) a further proof for the correctness of our formula-inventions.

We have decoded - among others also - the forces of the "dark matter". The exact solutions - and how one can improve the world on this basis - we have described in 3 books (see below). In the following, we first outline short versions(!) of three of our invented formulas and correlations. Then, building on this, we present the solution for the above experiment:

1. the short version of the TIME formula is M/E (mass divided by energy), s.a. x1

2. the short version of the SPACE formula is E/M (energy divided by mass), s.a. x²

3. the short version of the SPACE-TIME-CORRELATION is: M/E * E/M = 1 (time multiplied by space = 1), s.a. x³


The formulas to 1. and 2. are energetic forces, which result from the parameters mentioned in each case.


The "correlation" of the 3rd formula helps here for the simpler representation of the aspects from above experiment. However, the effective "effect" of the forces of space and time results from our formula: "Dynamic Relativity" in book 3 ).


Because of among other things the correlation mentioned under 3. which always results in 1 - and therefore "hides" itself mathematically / multiplicatively / dividing, in all formulas of astronomy up to now it has not succeeded to represent the effects of among other things "dark matter" mathematically / physically / astronomically, although the differences between single regions / stars / galaxies are partly extreme. 

Hereby we add among other things space and time to the current status-quo of the astronomy formulas - and relativize them at the same time. Time and space are no longer something divine, mysterious, indefinable, dark. We can calculate with them - and optimize them.

Through our "astronomical glasses" we see enormous forces (-shifts) at the above-mentioned correlation - depending on where one is in each case when ...

a. In the proximity of stars/galaxies matter or mass/gravity (force) - and therefore also TIME - is more pronounced.
     a. Formula-values to above 3rd aspect could be e.g.: 2 * 0,5 = 1

b. Far away from stars/galaxies vacuum/expansion (force) - and thus also SPACE - is more pronounced.
     a. Formula-values to above 3rd aspect could be e.g.: 0,1 * 10 = 1

Hereby it becomes clear that it is about different forces/energies, which are in competition and want to develop in different "directions" - but nevertheless always (up to the extinction of both, i.e. collapse of a system) appear together, are always latently present, even if partly only in minimal and/or in maximum expression. As (out-)direction can be "translated" ...

- Mass/ gravitation: centralistic/ dominating ... ;  

- Space/ centrifugal force resp. /energetic expansion: liberal/ democratic ... .

The primary orientation of the universe seems to be the (energetic) growth at the moment ...

Back to the above experiment:

With a switch one can reduce "the portion of the dark matter" (so it is written at the experiment - supplementary one would have to say: ... in relation to all! (un)known forces, thus energies!) increase (then, however, the other energies must be reduced) or decrease (then the portion of the other energies increases).

A shift of forces succeeds as a result "neutral" only if energyx8 is added, which then must be taken away elsewhere, because the total sum of energy must remain the same.

So, if in this experiment the energy!(force) is increased by a knob-shift, then the planets orbit faster than before. Transferred to our above mentioned 3rd formula aspect, an energy supply means that

1. the TIME-force becomes weaker - because the dividing E in the denominator becomes larger - and

2. the SPACE-force becomes stronger - since the E in the numerator becomes larger, ceteris-paribus.

In other words:

a.  In star/galaxy proximity, the (now discovered) time-force acts (in addition to the star-gravity) and helps to keep the planets in their orbits with its gravitational forces coming from the mass (in the formula), since these planets are flying too fast to be kept in orbit by the star alone. If energy is added (at the push of a button), the fraction M/E becomes smaller, the gravitational force of the "dark matter" decreases, the planets can orbit faster (and also further away from the star), among other things.


b.  If energy is added by button-pressing, the strength/concentration of the (now discovered) space-force E/M increases at the same time. The space-force is extrapolated nothing else, than the force of a "vacuum" (absolute, energetic(!), "free-"space - free of mass). The more energy (or the less mass), the stronger the vacuum, the faster the planets can circulate at the above experiment.


(( EXCURSION: From the same aspect, with the power of the space, by the way, also the universe grows stronger than calculable so far. The universe strives for its members (galaxies, stars and planets) the maximum of freedom and energetic(!) forces (SPACE) - away from all centralistic and gravitational forces. This approach could also make mankind happy )).


The environment counts:


Of course (as also at the experiment with the externally(!) by button added energy) the forces of space (and time) are altogether(!) stronger than those resulting only from one(!) star. The forces of space and time build up from the whole(!) environment - and act over the whole(!) environment. This is possible because space and time are energetic quantities. These work, like also gravity everywhere - and depending on the environment, sometimes stronger sometimes weaker. Thereby space is the dominating, primary energetic(!) (vacuum-) force which becomes bigger and bigger, that's why the universe grows faster and faster. Therefore: the universe does not need a button for the above mentioned experiment.....

That means:

With this constellation of formulas, so far unknown energies are decoded:

A. The "dark matter"(23%**): By what the planets are held in their orbit - despite their too high speed and the resulting centrifugal force - what the pure gravitational force of the respective stars cannot accomplish?

B. The "Dark Energy"(72%**): Why does the universe grow faster, than at present computable?


** Proportions according to Wikipedia, December-2019.

Herewith the remaining 95% of so far unknown forces are decoded - and added to the 5%, which among other things Albert Einstein discovered. We have built a new astronomy model. Many formulas must/can be adapted now - in particular those, where constants were used, in order to calculate out unexplainable "side effects".


In the books mentioned below, further correlations and extrapolations are made, up to the - visible - extremas of space (VOIDs) and time (black holes) - as "intermediate stages". As "final stages", however, also the decompositions of black holes x7 or VOIDs x3 are conceivable. This is the case if mass should disappear completely, both in the time extremum and in the space extremum. Then the gravitational (time) energy explodes or the vacuum (space) energy implodes and new matter and energy can develop.


Furthermore, with extreme extrapolation, it becomes clear that space and time can act as a linking of astro-physics and particle-physics - namely, when the "matter" must be extremely small in order to "make possible" the big bang (without particles no SPACE: energy through zero is nothing; and: without space no (big) bang). Without that already the "particle-matter "existed, a big bang would not be possible. The big bang needs the particle physics.


Accelerator rings (like DESY or CERN) try by the reversal of the big bang to hit those matter parts which could have caused the big bang with: Protons are "shot" against each other with a lot of energy so that they decay into, again, their elementary components. Also space and time of the proton must decay thereby. Due to the enormous amount of energy of the acceleration, the time effect is minimal - and the space-force from the proton tends to absolute vacuum at the impact (because the "carrying" proton decays). But this vacuum could hardly be measured in the experiment, because the accelerator rings are also operated with extreme vacuum. For these reasons, the dimensions of space and time were (almost) no challenge in particle physics - and were neither questioned nor searched for nor found here. (Also) measurements of space and time at the remaining sub-parts of the proton have therefore not been done so far.

However, we see at least a certain chance that the presently unknown(!), missing(!) force on the opposite side of the course of the components of the broken proton, could well be the energy of the explosion from the decomposition of the space-force by the decomposition of the proton.


Space and time can contribute therefore also to the research of the big bang. And also to the final stage of our universe! Because if space is extrapolated, there is no more time and no more mass. Then everything ends in the nothing, because energy divided by zero (no matter or particle more) results in a "nothing". And time, i.e. zero (no more mass) divided by any amount of energy, results in "zero". And "zero" times "nothing" results in "nothing". At this point the construct bursts. At space: So, like a strongly inflated balloon, which one pricks with a needle, the "vacuum" bubble (which is here full with space-energy) collapses. With time, because a zero can have no more force - and the forces attracted before by gravity can now spread out again by explosion.


Everything what becomes too "big" (or energetically too "strong") decays ( also stars into super novas or black holes, empires into single states, stock exchange bubbles into junk papers, etc.).


With the decay of the universe in turn then, on smallest space, so much energy arises that new matter or mass will form again in any case. And everything begins from new. As before. Again and again. Every X-billion years.


Perhaps this process is however also a continuous renewal in certain areas of the existing universe: With the VOIDs: If VOIDs become too large, possibly also regionally the above mentioned renewal process could run; With the "black holes": If these explode regionally, also here a regional renewal can take place.


And thus our inventions of space and time also contribute to the "environment" of the above mentioned example in the above mentioned exhibition: Beginning (big bang), middle (curtain-opening to the so far "invisible" area of the big bang) and end (universe-picture in far distance) - whereby here our picture could also be another (intermediate) picture: "Nothing at all", except collapsing vacuum (space-variant) or exploding gravity (time-variant), in order to generate then again something new ....


Thereby the crises on the earth could be avoided with better, astronomy-based models more purposefully than the automatisms change the universe. Homo sapiens would be able to do something. If he wanted then ...


Yes, we also need some matter(lles). But the life, the real life, takes place in the energetic. In the universe, as on earth.

The world could grow "energetically" (not "materially") just as beautifully as the universe. 99% of all philosophers (i.e. also those in the capital systems) claim that not the (among other things material) "having", but the (rather mentally energetic) "being" is what makes people really happy (see also Erich Fromm, Haben oder Sein, who also suggests a new society)x6.

Let us find a new form of living together and end all wars, matter-pleasures and environmental destructions immediately. Only in this way we and our world can survive.


Just as we proved during the "walk" through the exhibition that we can solve many things, unknown until now, with our approaches, we have also presented many astronomy/mathematics-based optimization proposals for the improvement of our world rules in our books. But philosophical, sociological, psychological, economic, sustainable and peace aspects also decorate the contents of the books.


With this model it would be possible to achieve all 17 sustainability goals of the United Nations, immediately. And this model can be built on the existing capital models and structures - without having to redistribute now everything existing politically or warlike. And with the reversal of Maslow's pyramid of needs, the world will be a different, a much better world thereafter. Most people become transcendent - not meant in the religious sense - and no longer "vegetate" at the lowest level.


The forces of the universe, of course, also work on earth. Let us aim at a new life based on astronomy. For the survival of nature, the world and us. For the well-being of all and of everything.

If you want to optimize the world with us, please feel free to contact us:


Thank you for reading. We would be very happy to welcome you in our community.

Helmut Rasch (Albert Bright)

x¹ AstronTimeOnomy, ISBN 978-3-7439-0186-5
x² AstronSpaceOnomy, ISBN 978-3-7497-1696-8
x³ AstronEfficiencyOnomy, ISBN978-3-7497-9467-6

x4 "A Briefer History of Time," Stephen Hawking with Leonard Mlodinow, 2005, p. 5, ISBN 978-0-593-05697-4.

x5 "In the Universe of Time," Lee Smolin, 2013, p. 239, ISBN 978-3-570-55281-0.

x6 "To have or to be," Erich Fromm, 1976, ISBN 978-3-423-34234-6.

x7 e.g.: Damond Benningfield | 10.05.2001 in "Deutschlandfunk", Internet/Google, following insights of Stephen Hawking in the 70s.

x8 EXCURSES: Why can the "proportion of dark matter only be "general-energy"?

An "increase of the %-rate of the dark matter" could also take place by the force(energy) of the gravity by addition of mass. However, this is not possible, since there is no mass from the side of the "dark energy", which could be "transferred or shifted". Additional gravitation could arise only if additional mass would arise, which should be hardly possible, however, since the mass properties and limits are relatively well investigated - and seem to remain limited with approx. 5% at present.

However, if the star implodes and a black hole (energetic state) is created, then a larger part of the "dark matter" energy and possibly also of the surrounding "dark energy" energy could very well "join" (be absorbed) the gravitational forces of the black hole - and increase the gravitational force in this area. From this results u.E. the so far not explicable overdimensional gravity of the "black holes. Then, however, the planets would no longer orbit faster around the star, but slower, in order to perish then in the black hole - or if they were far enough away, then they would be able to fly away by their centrifugal force possibly in time.

An increase of the gravitational forces for the increase of the %-tual share of the "dark matter" in the above mentioned experiment, is therefore ruled out as variant.


For more details, see also at .


Short description:
High time for a new world order: GlobalOnomie - on basis of AstroNomie, because: The world breaks down - also by the fight of the systems.
We propose a neutral unification basis for a better world: Astronomy - also based on our new astronomical inventions, like the Time Formula, the Space Formula, the Space-Time Correlation, Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

Company Description
In world-wide-wealth we develop solutions for a better world. For this we invent new ways or/and formulas. The inventions of the formulas for TIME, SPACE and DYNAMIC RELATIVITY were breakthroughs, not only for astronomy, but, using them, now also in the context of GlobalOnomy for u.v.a. the economy and sustainability, also those of the 17 UN-SDGs, the sustainability goals of the United Nations. And our results can relativize, mitigate and solve all current crises.


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PR:  November 11th, 2021



Acting for the climate, the 13th Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations - UN-SDG 13


The climate is saved! The salvation comes from astronomy. Because: Capital fails.


The climate is saved ... . The failure of capital, however, is currently only an "optical illusion": that of e.g. the "view" of the climate activists.


Before the weather-climate hurricanes can be stopped, the capital-climate water vortices must be relativized. Capital "climate" (mood) has become increasingly harsh. And the capital-climate water vortex is getting bigger and more powerful – and reaches more and more areas that are sucked in and destroyed. Similar to a black hole in the universe that can destroy anything if it becomes too powerful.


The earth currently has TWO(!) "CLIMATE" problems. The WEATHER and the CAPITAL. WEATHER is a (symbolic) hurricane that destroys the atmosphere with its air flow – and vents everything into the universe. And CAPITAL is (symbolically) a vortex of water (centralized capital concentration) that absorbs all the water (money) of all oceans (markets), destroys the earth's crust ("real" base) – and everything get very hot with the embers (overheating) of the magma (speculative bubbles) and is crushed (speculative bubbles burst). Both problems can be quickly relativized – and everything can be saved. With solutions from mathematical/physical astronomy.*4

  1. Thoughts on the capital model

Capital has given a lot to humanity – and is still a good basis for prosperity. However, this basis can and must be optimized. Because the "phenomenon of capital" has become independent. Capital is destroying many things because no one can oppose its rules. Our criticism is therefore (hardly) a criticism of the actors, but (rather) of the system errors that lead to - or force - misconduct. Capital is like a force of gravity that we hardly feel, but to which we submit. Mass attracts mass. Forces attract forces. Capital attracts capital. Primarily the smaller from the bigger one. Accordingly, our most sustainable solution comes from astronomy: relativity.*4

• It is important to relativize capital – not to destroy it!

• It is important to restore a balance. Because when one factor of the equation goes out, becomes zero (climate, people, broad prosperity), then the other side of the equation also expires. Because if only one person is rich, no one can buy his products anymore. Then capital also implodes. That cannot be intentional. But the growing water vortex or the black hole leads to this.

• If our Sun becomes too big (+ 400%, in 5 billion years), then it implodes in the context of a supernova at its own gravity. Then the earth also dies. But while the supernova is part of the growth process of space, the death of the climate on Earth would also be the death of humanity. In a few years. Bye-bye to prosperity. Forever.

Capital as such is currently extremely successful:

• Capital has e.g. managed to position many aspects that benefit it (e.g. as demand) as the most important goals, at the very front, within the UN SDGs*². This positioning took place - although it has been clear for decades that capital cannot fulfill. This means that it is shifted to politics – although not much has been achieved with development policy for decades. The goals remain important. But no one acts – and no one is liable(!).

• The UN SDG Goal 13, Climate*¹, ranks only 13th, followed only by even more distant aspects, such as "peace" (rearmament is called for) or "partnerships" for the goals (too great conflicts of interest – even within the G20, as became clear in the 11-2021 "summit").

• An exit clause was also achieved by the capital - as with any bank loan: no definitive commitment. In good years you are not obliged to commit (as it has been since 2016 ...) – and in bad times withdrawal is allowed - without consequences for capital.

• Capital dominates many areas of life – all over the world. If a good return could be achieved from the climate, capital would also invest here. However, yields are currently the most lucrative in the speculative sector. Much more lucrative than any production investment, especially since the latter with increasing (!) poverty (PS: Goal 1 of the SDGs is "no poverty" ...) have become riskier. Climate? Too far away!

• Capital has developed its own (attraction) force – similar to gravity. However, this capital gravity is in the process of evolving into a gravitational force similar to that of "black holes". Everything is attracted to the capital juggernaut – and destroyed! Also the climate. And humanity. What a pity. Also a pity for capital, because without humans this model would not exist at all - and it disintegrates with the collapse of climate and man.

• Capital is "only" a thought model. However, this thought model is so powerful that not even the G20 heads of state can comment on a climate commitment. And commitments are minimal, later relativized, postponed or deleted. NO compromising statement on the climate target at the G-20-climate "summit" (better: G-20 "abyss"?!) is frightening. "Not a word!" - "Speaks volumes"!. Capital has other interests.

• Interestingly, capital is (also) a dominant aspect in parallel worlds: i.a.: private economy; state economy; (stock) exchanges; marriages/ partnerships; non-profit organizations; bad banks; hidden (sovereign) debts; hidden (indirect) "rescues", subsidies and guarantees; In Singapore, Luxembourg, Switzerland & Co., hidden development funds in government member accounts (according to the Bertelsmann Foundation); whatever-it-takes central bank money production; book “value” production in speculative bubbles; religion; "underground worlds"; and so on. And in each of these parallel worlds there are different rules – each with great sustainability ... With a sustainability that the so-called "Sustainability Goals" of the United Nations can only dream of.

• The other parallel worlds have continuously built up their "capital" basis – with and thanks to different rules, such as i.a. different "currencies", such as i.a.: ... dollars, euros, etc.; tax advantages; inheritance laws; commitment clauses; state guarantees; bad-bank book money; faith; debt decrees, offerings, donations; extortion, violence, murder, absolute submission, etc. .


So, why not create a new parallel world, with new really good sustainable rules and from which (almost) all other capital worlds above mentioned also may benefit?:





II.) Thoughts on a better climate model


(1.) Curing the symptom – with similar tools


1. The current "tools" are currently still primarily capital-oriented - and not really 17-UN-SDG-oriented. Curing established(!) aspects and symptoms are extremely lengthy, although many things seem simply feasible:

a. Not a single country maintains a counter-account in its gross social product (GNP) accounts, which lists the damage caused by the achievement of the "flaunted" GNP. And this despite the fact that the destruction could very easily be deducted from GNP, especially on the basis of imported goods (raw materials) or import-taxes or pre-tax basis. Also, (at least partially) in addition to the commodity price, a (climate) compensation (a percentage rate that includes the climate-destruction-level of the respective country) could be imposed.

i. On the one hand, this compensation could benefit projects to optimize the climate or the deprived developing countries.

ii. On the other hand, this levy would reduce the competitiveness of the polluting country. Capital understands this language – and could thus be prompted to optimize its production and its environmental ranking.

However, the facts are: ...

iii. The environmental damage is ignored today as well as, for example, the atrocities of former powers against the (origin) inhabitants of those countries that were conquered and exploited ... . Our children will confront us with similar aspects later!

iv. Today, reparation payments only work for weak victims who are hardly (still) living, with minimal excuses and only with small amounts.

v. But climate and environmental destruction do not die away, like people who would have to be compensated.

vi. Climate lives on – and never forgets! What you don't want to include in the BNP now no longer needs to be included in "bad banks" balance sheets at some point. Because the real climate is developing into an opponent who cannot be "booked away", who can no longer be stopped. Because climate damage does not minimize over the years - like dying people who have been harmed. If we don't change a lot NOW, then the climate will change everything!

vii. No matter what the "purified" figures from GNP or nicely spoken environmental activities represent. Climate aspects are physical(!) processes that you just can't get out of at a certain point. Climate aspects are not marketing stories or political shows. Climate is real.

viii. When a star has approached too close to a black hole, and has too little own(!) "power" remaining (i.a. speed), there is no going back. It will be destroyed, no matter what is done "at the last minute". Climate must have enough power, i.e. be a model with enough momentum to be able to stand up to the destructive gravitational interests of the capital models. There can and must be a fair coexistence. Otherwise our downfall will come.

ix. Climate is a physical force that is many times stronger than the capital models of humanity. Arrogance, power, profiling, ignorance and incompetence have always destroyed a lot. Also in terms of climate.

x. If the TIME for the climate dying (also climate is an astronomical dimension and can not escape the time-forces**) has come in its present form ... , if the negative "material" aspects (including CO2 or methane) gain the upper hand in the climate, over the "energetic" aspects (e.g. forests, harvests, life) of the climate, then there is no turning back. Then life on Earth will die, at least as we know it. (** We have been able to represent the generally valid relationships between astronomy and its correlations earth. We “transferred” our mathematical and physical/astronomical TIME-, SPACE- and DYNAMIC-RELATIVITY- formula-inventions*4 - see also books: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy and AstronEfficiencyOnomy)

xii. Not even "development aid" – by the way, only a fraction of the climate damage currently caused – is aimed at repairing this damage, but rather at doing only the bare necessities to stabilize the decapitated countries – also so that industrialized countries capital and GNP can continue to grow. And also in the hope that purchasing power will arise there, to which the capital products can be sold.

However, the "stabilization" of the "status quo" in the developing countries is more important than "potential" purchasing power of the future, or a slightly better prosperity for 80% of the population. Climate? Too far away. Not for nothing...

i. the development funds "seeped" in Singapore, Switzerland, Luxembourg & Co will not be confiscated. And the rulers and owners of these funds in the developing countries will continue to be supported – to stabilize the region. Yes, stabilization is good. But general prosperity would be better.

ii. in times of crisis, subsidy projects & funds are quickly scaled back, since the purchasing power in the industrialized countries is many times higher (and closer...) than that potential purchasing power in the developing countries, even in times of crisis;

iii. it is primarily important to secure the (raw material) resources in order to be able to serve the purchasing power in the industrialized countries.


b. As long as climate does not play a significant – gross national product (GNP)-reducing(!) – role in GNP, the monetary-political aspect of a strong (e.B.) Dollars (because of good GNP) are more important than the climate-damage that will only be seen later. Because it is (also) about today(!) - to keep happy the own resident clientele (voters/ donors) with cheap products from a strong dollar, with cheap imports. And to "supply" one's own sponsoring clientele (industry) with good profits. And with the profits from a strong dollar, you can over-compensate for the export disadvantages of a strong currency – with corresponding influence on decision-makers.

c. And so it happens that ...

i. one of the richest countries in the world lands on the very last place in the ranking of CO2 emissions: USA

ii. the heads of government of the G-20 countries do not succeed in co-opting towards climate goals.

iii. only 3 of the 200 countries have so far (after 6 years) officially earmarked funds for the 17 SDG goals in their budgets

iv. other powers (China, Russia) with other "values" "score" better. They compete with better acute(!) stimulations. With real necessary aspects (logistics, ports, bridges, pipes, loans, raw material purchase guarantees) which the "saturated" or crisis-plagued industrialized countries do not want to or can no longer give any more. Also, the industrialized countries are not allowed to act everywhere because of self-imposed capital formalisms. The "democracy" of the West, which is held in such high esteem, is only a vision, which is currently established primarily in industrialized countries. And "freedom" and "prosperity" have also been only a vision for developing countries for many decades, which could not yet be achieved with the capital models. Who can blame it if some rulers try out other "values" – or many people have to flee out of necessity and want to establish themselves in better worlds?!


(2.) The marketing approach - climate is a "good", a product.


Why not create a marketing plan (with the 6 P's) for this – instead of just non-binding texts in non-binding sustainability goals – or instead of just making demands on the others. With good marketing arguments, you can convince many to break new ground – and to get environmentally harmful states, regions, industries and companies to optimize their processes.

The "Instruments": 1. Product (Product & Assortment) 2. Price (Price & Conditions) 3. Place (Areas & Distribution) 4. Promotion (Advertising & Penetration) 5. People (Polluters & Maintainers) 6. Power ("Capital" and "Currency").

While under 1. to 5. you can quickly imagine many aspects, 6. is about a basis that can – and must – be built parallel to the established parallel capital-worlds! Because without their own "capital" and without their own "currency" basis, which function independently (!) from the other existing parallel worlds, many of the current approaches will fail: increasingly rarely called (Fridays for Future), postponed (SDGs: from 2030 to 2050 (i.a. China) up to 2070 (India) ...), un-finite climate conferences (currently no. 26, after 25 un-successful meetings: COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference) and finally forgotten because of "other priorities".

The combination of marketing and applicable astronomy aspects promises in any case that the climate also has a chance to be better positioned - and more sustainably pursued. In order to start immediately, at short notice, however, another cheat package is probably the most promising in today's capital world - but this is not sustainable.



(3.) The SDG bank – approach – based on the "bad-bank"-model.


Bad banks are an instrument that Germany introduced retrospectively after its own fiasco (also because of an extremely conservative Bundesbank) of NOT providing cash flow (when the world urgently needed cash flow - and all central banks around the world provided cash flow). Bad banks were supposed to compensate for what was previously destroyed by cash flow deficiency. Too late for many at that time. Hopefully, now, in time for the climate!

The bad bank instruments have also recently proven themselves in the case of special depreciation at car companies, to "enable a balance sheet adjustment" - for the purpose of switching to electric drives. The capital commitment in old production facilities could now be "parked" in bad banks in order to no longer negatively affect the ("old") balance sheets. And in order to be able to tackle "new ways", i.e. sources of finance without "legacy burdens". This means that the know-how about "bad banks" can also be used to provide capital for the climate. Parallel to the other current capital worlds. And it would also benefit these parallel capital worlds. Thus, such a short-term model would have a good chance of survival in today's capital-dominated world. However, it is not sustainable. However, these (bad banks) should now be called Best-Bank or SDG-Bank or Clime-Bank.


Nevertheless. The solutions from (1) curing symptoms, (2) marketing approach and (3) bad bank approach are suboptimal. And Albert Einstein once put it very accurately: "You can't solve a problem with the same tools that caused it!" As an alternative to the above-called "tools", capital-market-neutral(!), independent "tools" could be implemented.

The first economic model ever comes from a doctor: Francois Quesnay. His “physiocratic” economic model was based on his knowledge of the bloodstream. So why not implement a new “physiocratic” economic model based on astronomy laws?


(4.) The astronomy approach


The universe is the prime example of long-term survival. The universe has existed for 13.8 billion years, now has a diameter of 50 billion light years, it is still growing, it is growing faster and faster – and it is growing with % much fewer major crises than the models of the so-called "Homo Sapiens". So why not learn from the universe?! Thought, done.

In our book trilogy*³ ( 1) AstronTimeOnomy, 2) AstronSpaceOnomy and 3) AstronEfficiencyOnomy ) we present a model that can be built on top of the existing capital model. It optimizes the capital model without destroying it: GlobalOnomy: The worldwide optimization of: Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, as well as Common Good & Sustainability …

… and now also Climate & Environment. One can certainly fall back on the extensive solutions of the book AstronTimeOnomy – and not only provide people, as described in the book, but also a project, climate, with a basis that is sufficient to achieve the set climate goals! And the alternative currency presented there would be optimal for people and projects.

When something new (a new star) is created in the universe, it gets the energy for its (!) own (!) whole (!) life at the beginning(!), in its creation. With this energy the star can go its own(!) way, as Albert Einstein discovered. People and projects should also be able to go their own "ways" in order not to always be overwhelmed by other interests.


All the talk of SDG 2030 goals or 26.(!) Climate meetings will lead to (nearly) nothing, as the past has already shown. We absolutely need new instruments (!), parallel to the current capital world. We recommend the instruments from the factual(!), all dominating(!), mathematical/ physical(!) astronomy. Because climate is more real, and in the medium term more powerful and potentially more deadly, than capital, faith, coercion or power.

However, the short-sightedness of mankind and the yield constraints and gravitational forces of capital are more dominant in the short term. This conflict must be resolved in order to avoid a medium-term catastrophe.

As shown at the beginning, the earth currently has TWO(!) "CLIMATE" problems. The WEATHER and the CAPITAL. The weather-climate-cyclone and the capital-climate-water-vortex. These are two vicious circles that are developing apart. And each one of them expands (almost) inexorably. Like in the universe, this is a black hole on one "side" – and on the other "side" the "space", the expansion.

Both are extreme forces. And we were able to show that gravity and space extrapolated are similar, with the same power, E, as Einstein's energy from the simple relativity. And while Einstein represents the "now" (5% of the energy forces of space), we now have developed the "dynamic relativity" – and can now also consider other time-aspects, the "now", the "was" and the "will be". We have deciphered 95% of the current "dark" forces: 23% "dark matter" (Why don't the planets circulate around their star faster than they should be able to do?) and 72% "dark energy" (Why is the universe growing faster than it should be able to do?).

In the universe, space is currently gaining (expansion). The black holes seem to be only smaller points, mostly in the center of galaxies. On Earth, unfortunately, the gravity of capital – the "black holes" – is currently gaining. The "space" is getting tighter and tighter for everything else. Also for the climate, whose air, if it goes on like today, will disappear into the universe. And while our "dynamic relativity" works perfectly in the universe, it only leads to suboptimal results with terrestrial aspects. On Earth, capital destroys the balance of power.


The dimensions or variables "space", "time" and "matter" differ extremely in our hurricane and water-vortex. Because, while the “cyclone” is real existing matter (air, water, earth), the “water-vortex” is primarily a mental "matter": capital. As well the (force of) “time” differ in both models: capital wants no time at all, always needs quicker successes; and weather and environment needs time to recover. And so does “space”: hurricanes distribute from one point to far away areas (like the force of “space” does with the galaxies); water-vortex concentrate, if there is a hole, all the water in that hole (like black-holes in universe). Capital and Climate are too different to match each other. 25 Climate-Meetings have shown enough. We need extreme changes to our systems in order to survive!

When capital becomes zero when a speculative bubble bursts, none of all prosperity remains. Because if you multiply zero by something else (i.a. price for the purpose of determining value), the result is still zero – because everyone is poor after a major crisis and hardly anyone can buy anything. The rest, including the climate, is and will remain destroyed. There will then be no more money to save the climate.

Our invention, "Dynamic relativity", must be taken into account in the capital models. The total energy is limited. If capital destroys something somewhere (uses matter), capital must compensate for it, in order to restore the equilibrium (!). To save the "real climate", something must be found, that is compatible with the "capital climate". We have a solution - that capital also likes - in our trilogy: GlobalOnomy (AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy and AstronEfficiencyOnomy) which we recommend to all those who are interested in deeper contexts. Just to get you curious …

With our model all mankind will be wealthy, starting at birthtime (just like the stars get their energy for all their existence when they come into being) - in a parallel model to capital. And if all mankind is (among many other aspects) wealthy, some of the solution-aspects will be like …

  • that would be good for capital as well, as there will be a big demand
  • but being wealthy, the Maslow-Pyramid will be turned around and most people will be wise and transcendent (not the religious meaning here)
  • the former tree-feller now may switch to nature-conservationist
  • Capital may care more for climate, as there is enough demand for survival and profit. But more than profit, mankind will have a big requirement towards capital: either companies care for climate or their products will not be bought any more. That is a language, capital understands. And being wealthy, mankind can afford higher prices for a climate-saving production. And being transcendent, the last will be a top requirement.
  • Our climate will be saved.

Thank you very much for your interest and stay healthy – as well your (environmental) world.


 Albert Bright



*¹ 13. Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts



Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries


Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning


Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning


Implement the commitment undertaken by developed-country parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to a goal of mobilizing jointly $100 billion annually by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation and fully operationalize the Green Climate Fund through its capitalization as soon as possible


Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in least developed countries and small island developing States, including focusing on women, youth and local and marginalized communities * Acknowledging that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.



The 17 UN SDGs are goals that the international community set itself in 2016. This happened within the framework of the "United Nations" UN (United Nations Organization), to which 193 states belong. (The individual targets can also be found on: ). All these 17 objectives are - with 193 participating states - naturally only a "minimum consensus", the lowest common denominator, a compromise. And today, 5 years after their ablution,
1. not even the first 2 main goals - "no poverty" and "no hunger" - are achieved
2. there are only 2 states that have officially named the goals in their budget planning
3. there are no really binding measures - and hardly any effective cooperation
4. there are still no sanctions for non-fulfillments
5. development aid funds remain at minimum levels
6. world development funds remain far behind the national "defense" expenditure
7. tax and money washing oases remain untouched (Singapore, Switzerland, Luxembourg, ...)
8. Non-profit organizations, which could extremely help to achieve all these goals, play only a mini-role:
a. Too little donations are made, although (e.B. in Germany): i. 40% of the population (from 14 years) is engaged in charitable activities ii. 7.5% of the working time is used for charitable purposes iii. 18% (600,000) of all "companies" are non-profit organizations
b. The will is there - but is "systemically" blocked by the above-mentioned "capital vicious circles".
c. We now "crack" the knot: With GlobalOnomy.


*3 . "GlobalOnomy"* is our trilogy to optimize our world. Astronomy-rules* to optimize our world. With GlobalOnomy we optimize: Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, as well as Common Good & Sustainability - worldwide! In our books, we reverse the capital-market laws 180 degrees.
1. Liberte, egalite, Fraternite already existed as targets in 1790. These three top goals of the French Revolution are not presented at all or only in a hint in the 17 UN SDGs from 2016. What a pity. With our GlobalOnomy model, we (also) achieve these 3 goals AND supplement them with "Realizabilite" - with feasibility aspects that the universe is showing us.
2. We eliminate poverty, hunger and more. All people worldwide become rich, full and happy. With "only" one(!) Astronomy "rule" use, we achieve ALL 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. And far more than just these 17 SDG minimum targets on a minimum compromise basis! Well before 2030.
3. With 10 other top rules, we consolidate and expand the achievements of the first rule.
4. There will be (soon) only wealthy people, worldwide! And those who are wealthy will educate themselves and can eat and live healthy lives. Epidemics are avoided.
5. There are (soon) only transcendent people left, worldwide! If you do not have to constantly fight for your survival, or don"t have to make a name for yourself (since everyone is rich now), you can take care of others and other things.
6. All people are focused on sustainability. Because everyone is educated - and knows that this world only exists once. And also, because they can afford sustainable products - and will demand and consist on them.
7. We rotate the Maslow pyramid of needs vertically by 180 degrees. All people are so wealthy that they - like the wealthier people of today - can and will take great care of social aspects - and will think and act transcendently. The lower Maslow levels, which in today's capital models provide for existential and profiling struggles, will hardly exist any more.
8. No wealthy person goes to war - or has to leave his family nor homeland, purely out of need for money.
9. Profiling neurotic, power addicts and/or warlike leaders have no chance with an intelligent and wealthy liberal population.
10. Finally, the long-awaited surge in demand arises.
11. However, the new demand does not go in the direction of cheap/mass-produced goods, but is, as with all wealthy people, very individual. The destructive cheap trend is broken.
12. The rules of constant demand ensure predictability and sustainability. worldwide.
Astronomy-rules will save our world. We have summarized our findings in 3 books (each in German and English): In the GlobalOnomy trilogy:
DE: AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie, AstronEffizienzOnomie
GB: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy


*4 We have invented the FORMULAS of TIME, SPACE, DARK MATTER, DARK ENERGY, DYNAMIC RELATIVITY, ... - and thus solved the mysteries around "DARK MATTER" (23% of the previously unknown forces: Why don't the planets circulate around their stars faster than they should be able to?) and "DARK ENERGY" (72% of the previously unknown forces: Why does the universe grow faster than theoretically possible?). We are now using all these insights and existing knowledge to optimize our world. See:



Private ID Albert Bright
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PR:  October 28th, 2021



Equality: 75 years an UN-goal; 5 years an 17-UN-SDGsgoal

But what a miserable failure: equality is still missing - and it is not the only thing missing, lamentably ...

world-wide-wealth stands for global prosperity. Based on a new system: GlobalOnomy.

Equality: Sustainable Development Goal No. 5 of the 17 UN SDGs Agenda 2030 ...

As well, with their 5th Goal*² the UN fails with its push for the 17 goals of the 2030 Agenda*1:

Equal rights for men, women and divers.

1. Germany

1945 Enactment of the German Basic Law. The equality of men and women is in Article 3.2., that of Miscellaneous in 3.3.*
1957 Law on the equality of men and women in the field of civil law is passed 1958 Women may open their own account and manage their own money.
1977 Women no longer need the consent of their husbands to work.
1997 Marital rape becomes a criminal offence.
By 2020, women will still earn 20% less than men. The number of women in full-time employment has fallen compared with 1990 (increase only part-time). Of the 191 board members in the DAX 30, only 12 are women. In many faith communities/churches there is no woman in central posts. And if unreported figures from many areas were to be used, the reality in Germany would still look rather bleak. Equality looks different.

2. World

The principle of equal rights for women and men was also recognised when the UN was founded in 1946 (preamble, Art. 1.3)...
... and since hardly anything has been achieved ...
... according to the UN 2030 Agenda from 2016, equality should now be achieved in 15 years - although the UN has had this goal on its agenda for 75 years without success.
Wishful thinking, far away from any reality.
The example of Germany shows how long it takes to achieve equality, even in a well-developed country. And even what has been achieved legally is far from being established in society, in reality. As well, with their 5. Goal*² the UN fails with its advance of the 17 goals of the 2030 Agenda*1. If not even laws of highly developed countries are implemented in reality, how can one believe that a non-binding declaration of an intent paper will be implemented - even without the danger of any consequences in the event of non-compliance? Every word of this "17 UN SDGs agreement" appears as rubbish. Too bad for the reputation of the UN. Too bad for humanity.
But on the basis of today's systems, not only the general public (!) -Prosperity goals are no longer "only" not achieved - but: the situation is getting worse for the average inhabitant of the earth. Worldwide. This trend has also been taking place in industrialized countries for decades - albeit still hidden in bad banks, over-indebtedness, "bailouts" (only the big ones), inflation (at the expense of the small), lower-class enlargement, middle-class downsizing, upper-class enrichment.
The non-coming equality does not only affect those between male, female and diverse. The problem is deeper. It lays within the capital system. And even if leaders wanted to, these leaders cannot opt out of this system without everyone participating. And the latter does not even succeed with the "agreed" aspects of the UN for 75 years, actually also not for the self-evident (!) Equality.
Einstein once said, "You can't solve a problem with the same tools that caused it!"

3. Universal view

Einstein? Astronomy! Universal equality? The universe doesn't care about the basis. Multiplied by c², this results in a certain amount of energy, E. The result, E, is what counts. And E results from the amount of plus (protons) AND minus (electrons) AND neuter (neutrons). All three are of fundamental importance. And everything is equal, must be equal, otherwise the universal balance will get out of hand.
With what justification, then, does mankind strive to prioritize one of the - and disadvantage two of the others - components of an atomic nucleus? The minus (electrons) needs the plus (protons), needs the neuter (neutrons) - and vice versa as well. Otherwise, atoms would break and otherwise the universe would implode. SHE, HE, IT. EVERYTHING is needed! Interestingly, the number of protons is usually equal to the number of electrons. The ratio of neutrons sometimes deviates, but this has only marginal effects in the result.
In today's earthly belief, however, success is more likely to be attributed to the "masculine". If women were given the same opportunities as men, women would be just as successful. And various as well. Because plus and minus and neuter complement each other. In sum, the mixture gives the maximum amount of energy. By prioritizing one area, Male, humanity is currently losing a lot of wealth, a lot of energy.
But it is not so easy to break out of this imbalance. As long as the chances for 2/3 of the participants (women and diverse) are worse than for the one 1/3 (men), a really drastic increase in prosperity can not take place. The efficiency of the universe, astronomy, cannot be achieved in this way. We need a new social and economic model. We recommend a model based on astronomy-laws*: GlobalOnomy*³: The optimization of economy & currency, knowledge & wisdom, peace & freedom, prosperity & health, as well as common good & sustainability - worldwide! (See books: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy).
Thank you for your interest. We would be very pleased about your commitment.

Best regards
Albert Bright
Helmut Rasch

*1 The 17 UN SDGs are goals that the international community set itself in 2016. This happened within the framework of the "United Nations" UN (United Nations Organization), to which 193 states belong. (The individual targets can also be found on: ). All these 17 objectives are - with 193 participating states - naturally only a "minimum consensus", the lowest common denominator, a compromise. And today, 5 years after their ablution,
1. not even the first 2 main goals - "no poverty" and "no hunger" - are achieved
2. there are only 2 states that have officially named the goals in their budget planning
3. there are no really binding measures - and hardly any effective cooperation
4. there are still no sanctions for non-fulfillments
5. development aid funds remain at minimum levels
6. world development funds remain far behind the national "defense" expenditure
7. tax and money washing oases remain untouched (Singapore, Switzerland, Luxembourg, ...)
8. Non-profit organizations, which could extremely help to achieve all these goals, play only a mini-role:
a. Too little donations are made, although (e.B. in Germany): i. 40% of the population (from 14 years) is engaged in charitable activities ii. 7.5% of the working time is used for charitable purposes iii. 18% (600,000) of all "companies" are non-profit organizations
b. The will is there - but is "systemically" blocked by the above-mentioned "capital vicious circles".
c. We now "crack" the knot: With GlobalOnomy.
For more information on the individual goals, see below .

*² UN-SDG Goal 5:
Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
5.1 End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere
5.2 Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation
5.3 Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation
5.4 Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure and social protection policies and the promotion of shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate
5.5 Ensure women"s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision making in political, economic and public life
5.6 Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences
5.A Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with national laws
5.B Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women
5.C Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels

*3 . "GlobalOnomy"* is our trilogy to optimize our world. Astronomy-rules* to optimize our world. With GlobalOnomy we optimize: Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, as well as Common Good & Sustainability - worldwide! In our books, we reverse the capital-market laws 180 degrees.
1. Liberte, egalite, Fraternite already existed as targets in 1790. These three top goals of the French Revolution are not presented at all or only in a hint in the 17 UN SDGs from 2016. What a pity. With our GlobalOnomy model, we (also) achieve these 3 goals AND supplement them with "Realizabilite" - with feasibility aspects that the universe is showing us.
2. We eliminate poverty, hunger and more. All people worldwide become rich, full and happy. With "only" one(!) Astronomy "rule" use, we achieve ALL 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. And far more than just these 17 SDG minimum targets on a minimum compromise basis! Well before 2030.
3. With 10 other top rules, we consolidate and expand the achievements of the first rule.
4. There will be (soon) only wealthy people, worldwide! And those who are wealthy will educate themselves and can eat and live healthy lives. Epidemics are avoided.
5. There are (soon) only transcendent people left, worldwide! If you do not have to constantly fight for your survival, or don"t have to make a name for yourself (since everyone is rich now), you can take care of others and other things.
6. All people are focused on sustainability. Because everyone is educated - and knows that this world only exists once. And also, because they can afford sustainable products - and will demand and consist on them.
7. We rotate the Maslow pyramid of needs vertically by 180 degrees. All people are so wealthy that they - like the wealthier people of today - can and will take great care of social aspects - and will think and act transcendently. The lower Maslow levels, which in today's capital models provide for existential and profiling struggles, will hardly exist any more.
8. No wealthy person goes to war - or has to leave his family nor homeland, purely out of need for money.
9. Profiling neurotic, power addicts and/or warlike leaders have no chance with an intelligent and wealthy liberal population.
10. Finally, the long-awaited surge in demand arises.
11. However, the new demand does not go in the direction of cheap/mass-produced goods, but is, as with all wealthy people, very individual. The destructive cheap trend is broken.
12. The rules of constant demand ensure predictability and sustainability. worldwide.
Astronomy-rules will save our world. We have summarized our findings in 3 books (each in German and English): In the GlobalOnomy trilogy:
DE: AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie, AstronEffizienzOnomie
GB: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy

Further information can be found on We would be very pleased about your interest, participation and support.

*4 We have invented the FORMULAS of TIME, SPACE, DARK MATTER, DARK ENERGY, DYNAMIC RELATIVITY, ... - and thus solved the mysteries around "DARK MATTER" (23% of the previously unknown forces: Why don't the planets circulate around their stars faster than they should be able to?) and "DARK ENERGY" (72% of the previously unknown forces: Why does the universe grow faster than theoretically possible?). We are now using all these insights and existing knowledge to optimize our world. See:


Private ID Albert Bright
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Equality has been in the UN Statute since 1946 - and was also added to the list of priorities until 2030 in 2016 with the 17 UN SDG goals. The fact that hardly anything improves is also due to the currently valid "man-made" belief and capital systems. In astronomy, molecules would collapse if the ratio of protons(+), electrons(-) and neutrons(+/-) were un-equal. The "greatness" and "growth" (prosperity) of space is many times better than that of humanity. The equality of all forces is in any case one of the central survival aspects of matter. Why shouldn't this work the same way for people? We have built a model for this: GlobalOnomy - and published in a trilogy: 1. AstronTimeOnomy, 2. AstronSpaceOnomy, 3. AstronEfficiencyOnomy. Have fun and fascination reading - and pondering about equality.

Company Description
world-wide-wealth is the plattform for world wide wealth. We research, invent and use math/physical formulas of astronomy to optimize our globus - via a global consideration of many aspects: Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, Common Welfare & Sustainability, Worldwide. For the Wealth of Mankind.

equality, atoms, protons, electrons, neutrons, 17-un-sdgs, failure to achieve, GlobalOnomy, economy & currency, knowledge & wisdom, peace & liberty, health & wealth and welfare & sustainability


autónomy - world-wide-wealth
Helmut Rasch
Heubergredder 14A
22297 Hamburg
Phone: 017643376540
autónomy - world-wide-wealth
Helmut Rasch
Heubergredder 14A
22297 Hamburg
Phone: 017643376540











Private ID Albert Bright


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PR - Oktober, 7th 2021 

All people are wise.


Wisdom. According to Wikipedia, wisdom testifies to mental agility and independence: it enables its wearer to systematically think ("a wise insight", "a wise decision", "a wise judgment"), to say ("a wise word", "a wise advice") or to do / or not to do … things ("a wise behavior") that prove to be meaningful in the given situation.


Because of this SUSTAINABLE meaningfulness, we would have wished that the 4th Goal*² of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations*¹ would be more than "just" improving education. If everyone "only" learns and does what is currently the status quo, no progress will come. The world will perish. Since Plato, wisdom has been one of the 4 primary virtues: Wikipedia: "Plato adopted the idea of the group of four*** in his dialogues Politeia and Nomoi. He maintained bravery (with him ἀνδρεία, andreia), justice (δικαιοσύνη, dikaiosýne) and prudence (σωφροσύνη, sophrosýne), but replaced piety (εὐσέβεια, eusébeia) with wisdom (φρόνησις, phrónesis) or wisdom (σοφία, sophía). As a result, piety was pushed out of the catalogue of virtues." *** First mentioned in Aeschylos (467 v.Ch.)

That was 428 to 348 BC. It would have been nice if a little more courage had been mustered in 2016 to train not only in the sense of today's systems. It would have been nice to aim for a future-oriented standard – and not just a little more training. What is bad, however, is that today, 5 years after the signing of the 17 UN SDGs, there is no more training, but less. More child labour again*³ – thus less time for school Less teaching, due to Corona Backward movements in many countries.

The poor and middle classes have become poorer – also in the industrialized countries. However, even in well-developing countries, such as China, the costs of education and support have risen so sharply that many families – despite the new possibility of having more than just 1 child – cannot afford a second child. Point 4.1. of the United Nations Sustainability Initiative in terms of training is already wasted with the developments just mentioned above and not worth the ink with which these agreements were signed.

And: If not even rich countries like Germany can or want to afford pre-school childcare (Kitas) – point 4.2. of the training sustainability goal – or that (even here(!) very new(!) ...) "An-Recht" due to a lack of personnel or professional competence... how, then, is the rest of the world supposed to achieve this goal? 4.3., Affordable(!) university education in England and the USA is more likely to be seen on life until you have paid all university debts. I guess this was not "meant" in the 17 UN SDGs, but it is reality. 4.4 is a capital goal: Many well-trained people in order to be able to produce efficiently worldwide. Entrepreneurship also promotes capital goals – via credit dependency and takeover opportunities – if money would then be made available for smaller companies at all. 4.5 is a common good goal that is far from being achieved even in rich countries... 4.6 is a "rescue clause". If all of the above is not achieved, you can say that you have at least achieved that all people can read and calculate – if you would achieve it then. 4.7 with all the above shortcomings sounds like an illusion, a dream. 4.7. Goes in the direction of the 4 primary virtues. But if 4.1. to 4.6. and 4.a to 4.c are not achieved, then how is 4.7 to be achieved? Sad. Very sad all these "goals" without any basis.

Even what was agreed was only drawn with gnashing of teeth. And without obligation or consequences, much is just written waste. We thought humanity was further. What a pity. A pity, because "education" is an essential building block for wisdom and the 3 other primary virtues: bravery, justice, prudence. And we urgently need all 4 virtues to make this world truly sustainable.

All the more the suspicion arises that all these goals are not really wanted.

Stupid people (counter-goal of UN-SDG 4) are de facto capital-economic-and/or politically and/or religiously easier to lead than intelligent or even wisdom-endowed people. Just like poor (counter-goal of UN-SDG 1), hungry (counter-goal of UN-SDG 2) and sick (counter-goal of UN-SDG 3) people resulting from the non-achievement of the first 3 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.


The "pious" – i.e. the belief and fidelity to a religion and/or monarchies, dictatorships and/or "more modern" capital (which did not yet exist in primeval times in its present form) – was long ago eliminated from the success-relevant primary human virtues by Plato (428 to 348 BC) almost 2,500 years ago. Nevertheless, dictatorships, communism, religious states, and the above all-standing belief in "capital" (and its religious community) are currently thriving.

The latter is also favored by the political inability of many of today's democracies to act, as they comply more with the rules of capital than the other systems. The fact that the respective rulers are getting richer and richer and the rest of the world is getting poorer and poorer does not seem to really interest anyone. Not yet. Because if fewer and fewer people can buy what is produced by capital, then it hits the masses AND capital. Because the latter can deliver less and less yield. Then it comes to country and/or system conflicts of the respective rulers. There are breakdowns – and incitement from the poor, hungry, ailing and stupid crowds. This is not a vision or theory. It is now a reality. Unfortunately. What a pity. Sad.


According to Albert Einstein, "A problem cannot be solved with the same tools that caused it.

" Einstein? astronomy! The universe is the system that exists the longest (13.8 billion years), which has the most "members" (400 billion galaxies a per 100 billion stars plus their planets), which is the largest (50 billion light-years in diameter), which is still growing faster and faster; and which grows with fewer (1 super nova every 100 years) big crashes than the small world of the so-called "Homo-Sapiens" (1 big crisis every 3 years). Why not learn from the universe?

Said and done. "GlobalOnomy"* is our trilogy to optimize our world. Astronomy-rules* to optimize our world. With GlobalOnomy we optimize: Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, as well as Common Good & Sustainability - worldwide! In our books, we reverse the capital-market laws 180 degrees.
1. Liberte, egalite, Fraternite already existed as targets in 1790. These three top goals of the French Revolution are not presented at all or only in a hint in the 17 UN SDGs from 2016. What a pity. With our GlobalOnomy model, we (also) achieve these 3 goals AND supplement them with "Realizabilite" - with feasibility aspects that the universe is showing us.
2. We eliminate poverty, hunger and more. All people worldwide become rich, full and happy. With "only" one(!) Astronomy "rule" use, we achieve ALL 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. And far more than just these 17 SDG minimum targets on a minimum compromise basis! Well before 2030.
3. With 10 other top rules, we consolidate and expand the achievements of the first rule.
4. There will be (soon) only wealthy people, worldwide! And those who are wealthy will educate themselves and can eat and live healthy lives. Epidemics are avoided.
5. There are (soon) only transcendent people left, worldwide! If you do not have to constantly fight for your survival, or don"t have to make a name for yourself (since everyone is rich now), you can take care of others and other things.
6. All people are focused on sustainability. Because everyone is educated - and knows that this world only exists once. And also, because they can afford sustainable products - and will demand and consist on them.
7. We rotate the Maslow pyramid of needs vertically by 180 degrees. All people are so wealthy that they - like the wealthier people of today - can and will take great care of social aspects - and will think and act transcendently. The lower Maslow levels, which in today's capital models provide for existential and profiling struggles, will hardly exist any more.
8. No wealthy person goes to war - or has to leave his family nor homeland, purely out of need for money.
9. Profiling neurotic, power addicts and/or warlike leaders have no chance with an intelligent and wealthy liberal population.
10. Finally, the long-awaited surge in demand arises.
11. However, the new demand does not go in the direction of cheap/mass-produced goods, but is, as with all wealthy people, very individual. The destructive cheap trend is broken.
12. The rules of constant demand ensure predictability and sustainability. worldwide.
Astronomy-rules will save our world. We have summarized our findings in 3 books (each in German and English): In the GlobalOnomy trilogy:
DE: AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie, AstronEffizienzOnomie
GB: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy

Further information can be found on We would be very pleased about your interest, participation and support.

*1 The 17 UN SDGs are goals that the international community set itself in 2016. This happened within the framework of the "United Nations" UN (United Nations Organization), to which 193 states belong. (The individual targets can also be found on: ). All these 17 objectives are - with 193 participating states - naturally only a "minimum consensus", the lowest common denominator, a compromise. And today, 5 years after their ablution,
1. not even the first 2 main goals - "no poverty" and "no hunger" - are achieved
2. there are only 2 states that have officially named the goals in their budget planning
3. there are no really binding measures - and hardly any effective cooperation
4. there are still no sanctions for non-fulfillments
5. development aid funds remain at minimum levels
6. world development funds remain far behind the national "defense" expenditure
7. tax and money washing oases remain untouched (Singapore, Switzerland, Luxembourg, ...)
8. Non-profit organizations, which could extremely help to achieve all these goals, play only a mini-role:
a. Too little donations are made, although (e.B. in Germany): i. 40% of the population (from 14 years) is engaged in charitable activities ii. 7.5% of the working time is used for charitable purposes iii. 18% (600,000) of all "companies" are non-profit organizations
b. The will is there - but is "systemically" blocked by the above-mentioned "capital vicious circles".
c. We now "crack" the knot: With GlobalOnomy.
For more information on the individual goals, see below .

UN-SDG Goal 4:

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all



4.1 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes

4.2 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education

4.3 By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university

4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship

4.5 By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations

4.6 By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy








*³ "economist", 22.05.2021: The covid-19 pandemic could be ended by mid-2022, if donor countries were willing to cough up a combined $50bn, according to the International Monetary Fund. The sum is the estimated cost of vaccinating 60% of the world"s population. A pittance, compared with the $16trn that governments have already spent supporting people and businesses during the pandemic.

*4 GlobalOnomie Trilogy:
DE: AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie, AstronEffizienzOnomie Or:
GB: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy

*5 We have invented the FORMULAS of TIME, SPACE, DARK MATTER, DARK ENERGY, DYNAMIC RELATIVITY, ... - and thus solved the mysteries around "DARK MATTER" (23% of the previously unknown forces: Why don't the planets circulate around their stars faster than they should be able to?) and "DARK ENERGY" (72% of the previously unknown forces: Why does the universe grow faster than theoretically possible?). We are now using all these insights and existing knowledge to optimize our world. See:



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June 23rd, 2021


All people are healthy!

Most people are born healthy, at least under "normal circumstances".

world-wide-wealth. Achieving the 17 UN-SDGs better and quicker by using astronomy-rules and formula.

All people are healthy!

Most are born healthy, at least under "normal circumstances".

Unfortunately, world health is now worse than before the proclamation of the 17 UN SDGs in 2016*1. Just a crisis - and everything is gone. A shame - and sad at the same time.

Most people are born healthy, but very many fall (severely) ill in the course of their lives. Therefore, health is the 3rd main goal of the UN SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations *²(see brief summary of 3rd goal, below). After all, only healthy people can serve capital.

But capital can also earn a lot of money on sick people. When it is a matter of people who can work well and earn money, capital is doubly interested in their health. On the one hand, to maintain the system as workers and demanders. On the other hand, as demanders of medical products and services. And so it is that health is in 3rd place of the UN SDGs.

However, "normal circumstances" is what is only mentioned in the 17 UN SDGs as "later" (in their priority ranking) goals: 13, 14 and 15: clean air, water and earth. And even in the 3rd main objective (health), clean air, earth and water are only mentioned as the 9th and thus last of the primary sub-goals.

However, if there were "normal circumstances", global health would be many times better - and all the measures currently planned would not be needed. The primary sub-objectives 1-8 (of the 3rd main objective, health) deal primarily with facts that need to be optimized. However, these goals are nothing more than "curing symptoms". Symptoms that result from many aspects of a capital-oriented world. And this "curing" represents goals, which in turn represent capital investment necessities: 3b and 3c speak for themselves*².

But in a crisis, capital is even less there than before. Those who are sick become sicker.
And what could have prevented the current pandemic, 3d*², is the very last sub-item in the health listing. Just embarrassing, how urgent things were and are postponed. Urgent, because there have already been various preliminary stages of such a pandemic. Hopefully, the goals that really and primarily care for health - clean environment, goals 13, 14, 15 - will not be shifted the same way as pandemic prevention has been postponed.

But capital wants a quick return on investment. However, this is difficult to present in terms of prevention and at aspects far in the future. Too bad for our world - and for our health.
Health is even more expensive than nutrition. Therefore, only in 3rd place ... of the 17 SDGs. And if many of those who are saved in health afterwards die of hunger, then health is not worth it at all. Or is it? Possibly to save yourself by preventing further mutations ...?

As a help, 50 billion is currently being "fought" for, which are needed to vaccinate 60% of the world's population*³. This is 0.3% of the amount that the richer countries have spent on their own economy and people against the corona crisis so far (4/2021). Too bad and sad. Because it is primarily about defense against further mutations. And even that succeeds only laboriously.

If even a sub-sub-goal - that can secure one's own existence - can not be financed, how are the 17 other goals with 169 sub-goals to be financed? With the current capital system and the current world constellation ... hardly possible!

Capital makes many and many sick. For the recovery, however, the states and people ("generality") who have been made ill, should then pay. Recourse rarely succeeds - also because it is difficult to find the culprits. The capital system forces many to act the way they act, even if they don't want to. Thus, it is not only or not primarily the people who are sick. In our view, the capital system itself is sick and needs a cure for recovery. A healthy world structure would make many of the 169 sub-goals and 17 sustainability goals obsolete.

The embarrassments of convulsive and futile attempts by the United Nations - to cure the symptoms of capital diseases in order to achieve sustainability - would be spared. Unfortunately, goals for a healthier capital system - which can achieve more than just curing the symptoms of one's own capital diseases - are not listed in the 17-Sustainable Development GOALS and the 169 TARGETS.

According to Albert Einstein, "A problem cannot be solved with the same tools that caused it.

" Einstein? astronomy! The universe is the system that exists the longest (13.8 billion years), which has the most "members" (400 billion galaxies a per 100 billion stars plus their planets), which is the largest (50 billion light-years in diameter), which is still growing faster and faster; and which grows with fewer (1 super nova every 100 years) big crashes than the small world of the so-called "Homo-Sapiens" (1 big crisis every 3 years). Why not learn from the universe?

Said and done. "GlobalOnomy"* is our trilogy to optimize our world. Astronomy-rules* to optimize our world. With GlobalOnomy we optimize: Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, as well as Common Good & Sustainability - worldwide! In our books, we reverse the capital-market laws 180 degrees.
1. Liberte, egalite, Fraternite already existed as targets in 1790. These three top goals of the French Revolution are not presented at all or only in a hint in the 17 UN SDGs from 2016. What a pity. With our GlobalOnomy model, we (also) achieve these 3 goals AND supplement them with "Realizabilite" - with feasibility aspects that the universe is showing us.
2. We eliminate poverty, hunger and more. All people worldwide become rich, full and happy. With "only" one(!) Astronomy "rule" use, we achieve ALL 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. And far more than just these 17 SDG minimum targets on a minimum compromise basis! Well before 2030.
3. With 10 other top rules, we consolidate and expand the achievements of the first rule.
4. There will be (soon) only wealthy people, worldwide! And those who are wealthy will educate themselves and can eat and live healthy lives. Epidemics are avoided.
5. There are (soon) only transcendent people left, worldwide! If you do not have to constantly fight for your survival, or don"t have to make a name for yourself (since everyone is rich now), you can take care of others and other things.
6. All people are focused on sustainability. Because everyone is educated - and knows that this world only exists once. And also, because they can afford sustainable products - and will demand and consist on them.
7. We rotate the Maslow pyramid of needs vertically by 180 degrees. All people are so wealthy that they - like the wealthier people of today - can and will take great care of social aspects - and will think and act transcendently. The lower Maslow levels, which in today's capital models provide for existential and profiling struggles, will hardly exist any more.
8. No wealthy person goes to war - or has to leave his family nor homeland, purely out of need for money.
9. Profiling neurotic, power addicts and/or warlike leaders have no chance with an intelligent and wealthy liberal population.
10. Finally, the long-awaited surge in demand arises.
11. However, the new demand does not go in the direction of cheap/mass-produced goods, but is, as with all wealthy people, very individual. The destructive cheap trend is broken.
12. The rules of constant demand ensure predictability and sustainability. worldwide.
Astronomy-rules will save our world. We have summarized our findings in 3 books (each in German and English): In the GlobalOnomy trilogy:
DE: AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie, AstronEffizienzOnomie
GB: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy

Further information can be found on We would be very pleased about your interest, participation and support.

*1 The 17 UN SDGs are goals that the international community set itself in 2016. This happened within the framework of the "United Nations" UN (United Nations Organization), to which 193 states belong. (The individual targets can also be found on: ). All these 17 objectives are - with 193 participating states - naturally only a "minimum consensus", the lowest common denominator, a compromise. And today, 5 years after their ablution,
1. not even the first 2 main goals - "no poverty" and "no hunger" - are achieved
2. there are only 2 states that have officially named the goals in their budget planning
3. there are no really binding measures - and hardly any effective cooperation
4. there are still no sanctions for non-fulfillments
5. development aid funds remain at minimum levels
6. world development funds remain far behind the national "defense" expenditure
7. tax and money washing oases remain untouched (Singapore, Switzerland, Luxembourg, ...)
8. Non-profit organizations, which could extremely help to achieve all these goals, play only a mini-role:
a. Too little donations are made, although (e.B. in Germany): i. 40% of the population (from 14 years) is engaged in charitable activities ii. 7.5% of the working time is used for charitable purposes iii. 18% (600,000) of all "companies" are non-profit organizations
b. The will is there - but is "systemically" blocked by the above-mentioned "capital vicious circles".
c. We now "crack" the knot: With GlobalOnomy.
For more information on the individual goals, see below .

Target 3.1
By 2030, reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births
Target 3.2
By 2030, end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 per 1,000 live births and under-5 mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1,000 live births
Target 3.3
By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases
Target 3.4
By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being
Target 3.5
Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol
Target 3.6
By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents
Target 3.7
By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes
Target 3.8
Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all
Target 3.9
By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination
Target 3.a
Strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in all countries, as appropriate
Target 3.b
Support the research and development of vaccines and medicines for the communicable and non-communicable diseases that primarily affect developing countries, provide access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines, in accordance with the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, which affirms the right of developing countries to use to the full the provisions in the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights regarding flexibilities to protect public health, and, in particular, provide access to medicines for all
Target 3.c
Substantially increase health financing and the recruitment, development, training and retention of the health workforce in developing countries, especially in least developed countries and small island developing States
Target 3.d
Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks

*³ "economist", 22.05.2021: The covid-19 pandemic could be ended by mid-2022, if donor countries were willing to cough up a combined $50bn, according to the International Monetary Fund. The sum is the estimated cost of vaccinating 60% of the world"s population. A pittance, compared with the $16trn that governments have already spent supporting people and businesses during the pandemic.

*4 GlobalOnomie Trilogy:
DE: AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie, AstronEffizienzOnomie Or:
GB: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy

*5 We have invented the FORMULAS of TIME, SPACE, DARK MATTER, DARK ENERGY, DYNAMIC RELATIVITY, ... - and thus solved the mysteries around "DARK MATTER" (23% of the previously unknown forces: Why don't the planets circulate around their stars faster than they should be able to?) and "DARK ENERGY" (72% of the previously unknown forces: Why does the universe grow faster than theoretically possible?). We are now using all these insights and existing knowledge to optimize our world. See:

Documents (PDF, ...)

Health is the 3rd Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations. However, 6 years after its proclamation, world health is worse than before. This is mainly due to curing symptoms of the many diseases-causing capital system. And for the treatment of symptoms, capital is needed again, which, however, is less there in the crisis than before. Those who are sick become sicker. The capital system is sick and urgently needs a health cure. According to Albert Einstein, however, a problem cannot be repaired with the same tools that caused it. Einstein? astronomy! Why not adopt the rules of a success system. Bright argues why this makes sense. More information can be found at - or/and in the GlobalOnomy-Trilogy-books: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy and AstronEfficiencyOnomy (or their German counterparts: AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie and AstronEffizienzOnomie).

Company Description
world-wide-wealth is the plattform for world wide wealth. We research, invent and use math/physical formulas of astronomy to optimize our globus - via a global consideration of many aspects: Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, Common Welfare & Sustainability, Worldwide. For the Wealth of Mankind.

health, UN-SDGs, world-wide-wealth, GlobalOnomy: economy & currency, knowledge & wisdom, peace & liberty, health & wealth and welfare & sustainability - world-wide





PR , June 9th, 2021. All People are full!


All people are full.


Anything is possible. With GlobalOnomy. Right now!


No hunger is the second – probably second most important – goal of the 17 major sustainability goals of the United Nations*¹.


Today, however, 5 years after the decision, the hunger is greater than before*².


Only 1 crisis has destroyed everything. sad.


But even if the goal of "no hunger" had been achieved, it would have been due only to the self-created definition of hunger. Because the global trend of the continuously increasing "relative"(!) Hunger is un-broken. Both in international and national comparisons. The rich (countries, organizations, and/or people) are effectively and relatively getting richer, completely full - even more: profligate. The poor are becoming relatively poorer and hungrier – even if they should effectively get "a little" more. The leading politicians from 193 states have not been able to oppose this. Not even wealthy, democratic states with a "social market economy" were able to stop this trend. What a pity.


It is more than a pity or sad. But we look the other way. And close the borders. The additional hunger from collapsing economies and mass terminations of daily (hunger-)wage contracts without any social security is rather not listed anywhere. One could embarrass oneself in his estimation. Or scare the world too much. It is better to mention only the 0.5% of GDP to do only the most necessary. Better to look away.


The vicious circle of hunger.


Hunger is worse than being poor. But the capital-vicious-circles also function as a basis behind the 17 UN SDGs. So, for the 193 decision-making states – especially their rich leaders – the 1st  goal "no poverty" was more important than the 2nd  goal: "no hunger". Because "no poverty" can increase the demand desired by capital. "No hunger" – without demand (with purchasing power!) – leads to subsidies and (capital) funds outflow. Capital preservation is more important than life-preservation – at least with the current capital models.


You can be poor without starving. You can be rich, and still starve – especially when the (surrounding) world collapses. At the latest, when you have destroyed the whole world, you will realize that you can`t eat money. Virtual or bubble money certainly even less. And then hunger also reaches the rich world – and leads to chaos there as well. The vicious circles of capital (see last PR report) lead to the vicious circles of hunger: When hunger prevails, one

a. has to work a lot

b. has no time to learn to become better

c. lives from hand to mouth

d. have more and more children because you can't prevent (lack of money) or it is “forbidden” (faith) or one need more children to survive with more family income (hunger)

e. gets hungrier, as more children means even more poverty in the short and medium term

f. if children have to work at a very early age, they do not achieve a better status

g. if the number of hungry people is increasing, competitive pressure will increase, wages will fall, poverty rise, hunger will rise

h. for a better future, there is no strength (hunger), no time (a lot of work), no knowledge (no money nor time for education) and no freedom of movement (status quo "captivity" - one remains "trapped" in the respective system - also because other systems close the borders).

i. Hungry remains hungry. Relatively – and currently unfortunately – once again – also effectively.


According to Albert Einstein, "A problem cannot be solved with the same tools that caused it.


" Einstein? astronomy! The universe is the system that exists the longest (13.8 billion years), which has the most "members" (400 billion galaxies a per 100 billion stars plus their planets), which is the largest (50 billion light-years in diameter), which is still growing faster and faster; and which grows with fewer (1 super nova every 100 years) big crashes than the small world of the so-called "Homo-Sapiens" (1 big crisis every 3 years). Why not learn from the universe?


Said and done. "GlobalOnomy"*³ is our trilogy to optimize our world. Astronomy-rules*4 to optimize our world. With GlobalOnomy we optimize: Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, as well as Common Good & Sustainability - worldwide! In our books, we reverse the capital-market laws 180 degrees.

1. Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité already existed as targets in 1790. These three top goals of the French Revolution are not presented at all or only in a hint in the 17 UN SDGs from 2016. What a pity. With our GlobalOnomy model, we (also) achieve these 3 goals AND supplement them with "Réalizabilité" – with feasibility aspects that the universe is showing us.

2. We eliminate poverty, hunger and more. All people worldwide become rich, full and happy. With "only" one(!) Astronomy "rule" use, we achieve ALL 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. And far more than just these 17 SDG minimum targets on a minimum compromise basis! Well before 2030.

3. With 10 other top rules, we consolidate and expand the achievements of the first rule.

4. There will be (soon) only wealthy people, worldwide! And those who are wealthy will educate themselves and can eat and live healthy lives. Epidemics are avoided.

5. There are (soon) only transcendent people left, worldwide! If you do not have to constantly fight for your survival, or don’t have to make a name for yourself (since everyone is rich now), you can take care of others and other things.

6. All people are focused on sustainability. Because everyone is educated – and knows that this world only exists once. And also, because they can afford sustainable products – and will demand and consist on them.

7. We rotate the Maslow pyramid of needs vertically by 180 degrees. All people are so wealthy that they – like the wealthier people of today – can and will take great care of social aspects – and will think and act transcendently. The lower Maslow levels, which in today's capital models provide for existential and profiling struggles, will hardly exist any more.

8. No wealthy person goes to war – or has to leave his family nor homeland, purely out of need for money.

9. Profiling neurotic, power addicts and/or warlike leaders have no chance with an intelligent and wealthy liberal population.

10. Finally, the long-awaited surge in demand arises.

11. However, the new demand does not go in the direction of cheap/mass-produced goods, but is, as with all wealthy people, very individual. The destructive cheap trend is broken.

12. The rules of constant demand ensure predictability and sustainability. worldwide.

Astronomy-rules will save our world. We have summarized our findings in 3 books (each in German and English): In the GlobalOnomy trilogy:

DE: AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie, AstronEffizienzOnomie

GB: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy


Further information can be found on We would be very pleased about your interest, participation and support.


*¹ The 17 UN SDGs are goals that the international community set itself in 2016. This happened within the framework of the "United Nations" UN (United Nations Organization), to which 193 states belong. (The individual targets can also be found on: ). All these 17 objectives are - with 193 participating states - naturally only a "minimum consensus", the lowest common denominator, a compromise. And today, 5 years after their ablution,

1. not even the first 2 main goals - "no poverty" and "no hunger" - are achieved

2. there are only 2 states that have officially named the goals in their budget planning

3. there are no really binding measures - and hardly any effective cooperation

4. there are still no sanctions for non-fulfillments

5. development aid funds remain at minimum levels

6. world development funds remain far behind the national "defense" expenditure

7. tax and money washing oases remain untouched (Singapore, Switzerland, Luxembourg, ...)

8. Non-profit organizations, which could extremely help to achieve all these goals, play only a mini-role:

a. Too little donations are made, although (e.B. in Germany): i. 40% of the population (from 14 years) is engaged in charitable activities ii. 7.5% of the working time is used for charitable purposes iii. 18% (600,000) of all "companies" are non-profit organizations

b. The will is there – but is "systemically" blocked by the above-mentioned "capital vicious circles".

c. We now "crack" the knot: With GlobalOnomy.

For more information on the individual goals, see below .


*² "Deutschlandfunk", 19 May 2021, aid organisations warn. Setbacks in the fight against hunger. The consequences of the corona pandemic and climate change make increased efforts against hunger necessary, according to estimates by aid organizations. Last year, the number of people suffering from acute hunger rose to 155 million people in 55 countries, said Mogge, Secretary General of Welthungerhilfe, in Berlin. In crisis areas such as Syria and South Sudan, more than half of the population does not have enough to eat. Terre des Hommes spokeswoman Kötter said that the achievements for children's rights had been set back by decades. Millions of children were starving, ending up on the streets or having to work or beg for the survival of their families. The children's aid organization and Welthungerhilfe commented on the occasion of the presentation of their annual report "Compass 2021".


*³ GlobalOnomie Trilogy:

DE: AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie, AstronEffizienzOnomie Or:

GB: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy


*4 We have invented the FORMULAS of TIME, SPACE, DARK MATTER, DARK ENERGY, DYNAMIC RELATIVITY, ... - and thus solved the mysteries around "DARK MATTER" (23% of the previously unknown forces: Why don't the planets circulate around their stars faster than they should be able to?) and "DARK ENERGY" (72% of the previously unknown forces: Why does the universe grow faster than theoretically possible?). We are now using all these insights and existing knowledge to optimize our world. See:









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May 26th, 2021


Mankind is Rich!

With the "GlobalOnomy" solutions! Astronomy-rules for world-challenges. Solving and topping ALL 17 UN-SGDs with just ONE rule. Act! Now!

world-wide-wealth. GlobalOnomy: Astronomy-rules for worldwide-challenges.

Mankind Is Rich.

With GlobalOnomy. Anything is possible. Right now!

No poverty is the first - and arguably most important - goal of the 17 major United Nations sustainability goals*.

Today, however, five years after the decision, poverty is greater than before. Only 1 crisis has destroyed everything. What a pity.

But even if the "no poverty" goal had been achieved, it would have been due only to the self-created definition of poverty. Because the global trend of continuously increasing "relative" (!) poverty is unbroken. Both international and national. The rich (countries or people) are getting richer effectively and relatively. The poor are getting relatively poorer - even if they actually might get a little bit more.

The leaders of 193 states have not been able to oppose this either. Not even wealthy, democratic states with "social market economies" could stop this trend. And even the wealthy of this world fail to break the "laws of capital". The world's rich are among the biggest donors and are involved in many social projects. But the rich, like politicians or even non-profit organizations(!) are trapped in the "vicious circles of capital", which always threaten their own existence, as well. In our opinion, the vicious circles of capital are as follows:

1. Demand is a function of productive capital. But productive capital needs (cash-rich) demand to take action ...
- State demand cannot solve this conflict: since Keynes, state debt has been rising - despite steadily increasing tax revenues.

2. Capital must always rationalize and automate (become cheaper than even the low labor costs in developing countries), because ...
a. it is otherwise destroyed by competition (more efficient "capital" or cheaper "labor wage")
b. but/and with low wages (from developing countries (competition) or/and low unemployment funds instead of employee salaries: due to rationalizations) it has to produce ever cheaper mass products at extremely low prices. Low-income people buy cheap goods. ...
But as a result, capital "automatically" destroys its own demand: no wage, no demand.
- State borders and regulations for hedging do not have a sustainable effect.

3. The artificial capital scarcity and short-term return claims
a. avoid competition and/but
b. lead to capital concentration

4. Capital concentration takes place, although it is clear that ...
a. 10% top earners consume less than 90% low-earners (demand-destruction)
b. latently conflicts - due to too great inequality - may arise

5. In the absence of demand, productive capital changes sides - and "moves" to speculative capital, so that
a. Job and demand-creating productive capital is no longer available at all, because
b. the speculative risk (50:50, 1 wins, 1 loses) is lower than the demand risk.

6. If speculative capital is concentrated in too big "bubbles" and, for lack of capital (on the part of the speculative losers) or for lack of confidence - the demand breaks away, then
a. the world of the remaining rich will be destroyed as well
b. poverty, revolution and (economic) wars will be a threat, which neither side wants.

The "established" CAPITAL models are not a good basis for the 1st goal of the United Nations "no poverty" - and certainly not able to achieve universal global prosperity.

Many people criticize the capital models. But hardly any critic presents a real, all-encompassing fair and sustainable(!) alternative. (Re-)distribution models (such as "social market economy" or "basic income") do not work. Redistribution models based on current capital models are based on profiling policy (winning elections); are selfish (competing with development funds for really(!) poor populations - or other more effective subsidies); can only be realized in rich countries; depend on the competence of the respective top decision-makers (to achieve a good GDP); let the recipients "vegetate" at a mini-level: with too little money to be able to pursue something new, nor bigger projects, nor become independent; lead to an increase in demand for cheap products - at best, and thus to further rationalizations, etc., etc.

According to Albert Einstein, "a problem cannot be solved with the same tools that caused it."
Einstein? astronomy! The universe is the longest-established system (13.8 billion years) that has the most "members" (400 billion galaxies with each, 100 billion stars plus their planets), which is the largest (50 billion light-years in diameter), which is still growing - faster and faster; and which grows with less (1 super-nova every 100 years) big crashes than the small world of the so-called "Homo-Sapiens" (1 big crisis every 3 years).

Why not learn from the universe? Said, done. "GlobalOnomy" is our trilogy to optimize our world. Astronomy Laws** for World Optimization. With GlobalOnomy we optimize: Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, as well as Public Welfare & Sustainability - WorldWide! In our books, we reverse capital market laws by 180 degrees...

1. We eradicate poverty! All people around the world are getting rich. With the use of "only" ONE astronomy "rule", we achieve ALL 17 United Nations sustainability goals. Well before 2030.

2. There (soon) will only be wealthy people, worldwide! And those who are wealthy will form and live healthy. Epidemics are avoided.

3. There (soon) will only be transcendent people, worldwide! If you don't have to fight for your survival all the time, and there is no need of money-profiling any more (since ALL are rich now), you can take care of other people and things.

4. All people are focused on sustainability. Because everyone is educated - and knows that this world exists only once. And also, because mankind now can afford - and will insist on - sustainable products.

5. We rotate the Maslow-pyramid-of-needs vertically by 180 degrees. All people are so wealthy that, like the current rich, they will take great care of social aspects - and think and act transcendently. The lower Maslow stages, which in today's capital models provide for struggles for existence and profiling, will hardly exist anymore.

6. No wealthy person goes to war - or has to leave his family or homeland purely out of need of money.

7. Profiling neurotic or/belligerent leaders have no chance with an intelligent and prosperous liberal population.

8. Finally, the long-awaited surge of demand is emerging.

9. However, the new demand does not go towards cheap/mass goods, but is, as with all wealthy people, very individual. The destructive low-cost trend will be broken.

10. The rules of constant demand ensure predictability and sustainability. worldwide. And thus, will help to save our world.

We have summarized our findings in 3 books (each in English and German):
GB: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy
DE: AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie, AstronEffizienzOnomy
For further information see:

We would be very pleased about your interest, participation and support.

To start with: Just "share" this text to your community !!!

The world needs to know, that there is a solution.

* The 17 UN SDGs are goals set by the world community in 2016. This was done within the framework of the United Nations Organization, which includes 193 states. (The individual goals can also be found on: ). All these 17 objectives - with 193 participating states - are, by their very nature, only a "minimum consensus", the lowest common denominator, a compromise. And today, 5 years after their declaration, ...
1. not even be the first main goal, "No poverty" has been achieved
2. There are only 2 states that have officially named the targets in their budget planning
3. there are no really binding measures - and hardly any effective cooperations
4. There are still no sanctions for non-compliance
5. Development aid funds remain at minimum levels
6. World development funds remain far behind the national "defense" expenditures
7. Tax and money-washing oases remain untouched (Singapore, Switzerland, Luxembourg, ...)
8. Non-profit organizations that could greatly help to achieve all these goals remain at a minimum role, due to:
a. Too little money being donated, although (i.a. in Germany):
a.1. 40% of the population (from 14 years) is involved in non-profit
a.2. 7.5% of working time is devoted to charitable purposes
a.3. 18% (600,000) of all "companies" are non-profit organizations
b. The will is there - but is blocked "systemically" by the above-mentioned "capital vicious circles".
c. We are now "cracking" the knot: with GlobalOnomy.
For more information on the specific objectives see .

** We have invented the formulas of TIME, SPACE, DARK MATTER, DARK ENERGY, DYNAMIC RELATIVITY, and solved the mysteries around "DARK MATTER" (23% of the previously unknown forces: Why do the planets not circulate around their stars faster than they should be able to do?) and "DARK ENERGY" (72% of the previously unknown forces: Why does the universe grow faster than it should be able to do?) We are now using all these insights and existing wisdom to optimize our world. S.a. .

Private ID: ea86d55f9c1c4a8a9838a30a11053309

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Poverty is worse today than it was five years ago, when the United Nations launched the 17 SDGs in 2016. And "relative" poverty has been rising for decades. Albert Bright describes why the 17 goals can hardly be achieved on the basis of today's capital models. He presents six capital-vicious-circles against which neither political decision-makers, non-profit organizations, nor the rich themselves can do little. Bright quotes a finding by Albert Einstein: "You cannot solve a problem with the same tools that caused it!" He then presents his solution: "GlobalOnomy" - the optimization of economy & currency, knowledge & wisdom, peace & freedom, prosperity & health, as well as common good & sustainability - worldwide! Astronomy-Laws for World-Rescue. The benefits are represented by 10 arguments.

Company Description
world-wide-wealth is the plattform for world wide wealth. We research, invent and use math/physical formulas of astronomy to optimize our globus - via a global consideration of many aspects: Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, Common Welfare & Sustainability, Worldwide. For the Wealth of Mankind.






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Welt-Weiter-Wohlstand via Universums-Gesetze. Die Zeit- und Raum-Formel-Erfindungen durchbrachen den etablierten Status-Quo. Die Raum-Zeit-Korrelation führte zu neuem „Dimensions-Denken“. Die Formel-Erfindung für "dunkler Materie“ und "dunkler Energie“ klärten 95% der Universums-Energien auf. Die Erfindung der „Dynamische Relativität“, relativiert Albert Einsteins Erkenntnisse. Die Nutzung der Astronomie-Gesetze zur Optimierung - und Relativierung der aktuellen Ansätze -vieler Bereiche: Wirtschaft & Währung, Wissen & Weisheit, Frieden & Freiheit, Wohlstand & Gesundheit, sowie Gemeinwohl & Nachhaltigkeit - weltweit! Und die Astronomie-Korrelationen eignen sich zur Lösung akuter Herausforderungen bezüglich Nachfrage-Mangel, Bad Banks, Spekulations-Blasen, Verschuldungen, Währungs-Probleme, Handel, Kriege, Nachhaltigkeit, Industrie-4.0 – Arbeitslosigkeit, Entwicklungsländer-, Armuts-Teufelskreise, und demographischer Wandel. world-wide-wealth (.) com . © Albert Bright